Mark Foster

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My eyes fluttered open to Andy and Nate towering above me. I squinted my eyes at them and studied their mischievous smirk plastered on their faces. I don’t know what day it is and I don’t know what time it is. I stared back at them silently and waited for them to say something. I raised my eyes as if to say that I was waiting for one of them to say something. They understood immediately, “Do you want Mark to hate your guts?” Andy asked, “I mean, like, really hate you to the bones.”

            “What?” I murmured,

            “Monkey forest.” He simply said and I understood immediately,

            “Ape shit?” I smirked,

            He turned to Nate, “Don’t ever say that word unless you wanna get bitten by real apes.”

            “But I don’t want to get bitten!”

            “That’s why.”

            “Oops.” I sheepishly snickered, “Ape-nanas?”

            “Yea.” Andy nodded, “We’re testing Mark’s gut.”

            “You actually want to do that to him?”

            “What?” He scoffed, “You want to spare him too? Doesn’t he annoy you sometimes?”

            “No and yes.” I murmured, “So what’s the plan?”

            “Mark’s going to go into the forest covered in bananas!” Nate explained excitedly, “And then ape-nanas!”

            I looked at him weird but amazed at the same time, “Did you come up with that?”

            “Andy helped.” He grinned,

            “It’s great that you two are getting along and all.” I smiled sleepily, “But just so you know, your dad’s going to kill me when he knows this.”

            “And Mark.” Andy added, “And the rest of the guys. Everyone’s going to hate you.”

            “Yea thanks.”

            Nate started jumping on the bed like Andy just fed him two gallons of energy drink, “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

            I grabbed his ankle and tugged on it so he fell on his butt next to me, “Don’t jump this early!”

            He squealed, “Okay, I’m sorry!”

            I tickled his stomach, “Say ‘Nate eats shorts’!”


            I tickled him some more, “Come on, say it.”

            He squealed and twisted and wrestled, “No!”

            I wrapped him around my arms and pulled him closer. He is so comfortable to cuddle with, I must admit. I gave him a nice big sloppy kiss on his cheek, “Do you love me?”

            “Yes.” He nodded, “I love you.”

            “Enough with the love already!” Andy interrupted, “We’re burning daylight!”

            “You’re going to have to call the guys first.” I notified,

            “How can I call them when I don’t even know where your phone is, genius!” He scoffed,

The Foster Kid (Part 5) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now