Cubbie Fink

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The next morning I was the first one to get up. I shuffled to the room where Andy was sleeping and found him still dozing off. I guess he had a rough night. I checked Nate too, and he was still fast asleep. I shuffled to the kitchen to get myself some water. I found Andy’s phone lying on the counter. I couldn’t resist but be nosy, so I opened it. I flopped at the stool and went through his pictures. I won’t go through his texts because I’m not that nosy, okay? Maybe this could lead me to the mystery guy that he talked about. I scrolled through every picture, with some I was familiar with. I find one funny picture where Andy was holding Stella like Lion King. There’s also another when where he threw her in the air. I guess he got a good smack in the head from Riley. I saw some of his wedding pictures. I studied how Andy looks at Riley in that stunning dress. He had this warm half smile like he was looking at Aphrodite, the goddess herself. I found a picture of Andy and I back when I was a baby. He had me protectively wrapped around with his arms. I also found his baby picture way before I was born. Dad was there with Andy propped on his shoulders while Andy covered dad’s eyes with his little fingers. All those little moments from the past collected in one phone.

I heard footsteps coming towards my direction. I waited silently as the shadow got smaller and the figure got clearer. Then Nate showed up, rubbing his tired eyes. “Good morning!” He greeted sleepily,

“Good morning!” I replied, “Do you want some cereal?”

He climbed on the stool next to me, “Yes, please.”

            I got up and reached to the cabinets for the cereal.  I got two bowls out because I needed to eat too. I poured an appropriate amount of milk to each bowl and served it at the counter. “Eat up!”

            Nate showed me Andy’s phone while he chews, “Who’s this?”

            I must have left it like that. I smiled, “That’s Andy when he was around your age, maybe younger.” I took a bite,

            “Where were you?”           

            “I wasn’t born yet.”

            He nodded understandingly, “Is he your dad?”           


            “He looks like a nice guy.” He handed me the phone,

            “He is.” I smiled halfheartedly. I took the phone from him and went back to zoning out. I found myself comparing this one particular picture with the other. The first picture was Andy and dad, and the other one was Andy and Stella. See the relationship? Isn’t that obvious? Yea, I kept scrolling back and forth between those two pictures and I found a lot in common. They look like each other and they have the same expression when looking at their own babies.

            I heard Andy coming closer and he was talking. I could tell that he was on the phone and judging by the tone of his voice, he was talking to Cubbie with my phone. “Isn’t it a beautiful day to be at the beach? I’ll go easy on you, old man.”

            “Fine, fine.” Cubbie sighed, “We’ll be at the beach.”


            “Now, where are the kids?” He demanded,

            “Ah, ah, ah. You can’t talk to them yet.”

            “Give the old man a chance, he’s been seeing and hearing things.” Pontius butted in,

            “Just this once.” He chucked the phone at me,

The Foster Kid (Part 5) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now