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“Ally?” The voice said,

            I silently sighed in relief because it’s not a fan. I turned to see someone that I’d never expect to see. It took a while for me to familiarize myself with that face. It was a girl at around my age with two younger ones, a girl at around nineteen and a boy at around thirteen. I cracked a smile, “Ariel?”           

            “I knew it was you!” She cried and slowly approached me,

            I slowly stood up an awkwardly stood in place, “…”

            She smiled sadly, “I’m sorry.”

            “You’ve apologized.” I smiled back, “Forget it, okay?”

            “Okay.” She nodded microscopically,           

            “Hey, it’s alright. Friends fight like how siblings fight.” I jerked my thumb at Andy as reference,

            “Wait, you guys were fighting?” Andy interjected,

            “Sort of.” I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, “But it’s all fine now so go away.”

            “Robby?” Andy grinned broadly, “Is that you?”

            “Uh, yea.” He scoffed,

            “You’ve grown, dude!”

            “I could see that.”

            “Watch the tone, Robert!” Ariel nudged him, “He’s still waiting for that soccer match, Andy.”

            Andy squinted and thought, “Right, right. I’m sorry but I’ve been busy. I’ll make it up to you.”

            “I’ve been waiting for seven years.” He folded his arms, “And where were you?”

            “Whoa.” I laughed. I must admit, I never expected Robby to be all irritating and sassy.

            “I’m sorry, I live in London now.”


            “Hey, Bella.” I greeted,

            She waved a little and smiled. She hasn’t changed one bit, except that she’s nineteen and she looks pretty.

            “So how’s New York?”

            “It’s great now that Bella moved in with me.”

            “Yay! You have a friend!” I teased,

            “How’s LA?”


            “Found yourself a guy?” She arched an eyebrow.

            “His name’s Ryan.” Andy answered for me,

            I smacked my forehead, “What he said. Thanks, Andy.”

            She gasped with exaggeration, “You found yourself a Ryan and you didn’t even bother to tell me? Is it the Ryan or a Ryan?”

            “I’m sorry and I don’t know yet.” I couldn’t help it but smile. I knew that we’d get along eventually but I never know when. We fight sometimes, but we’d later act like it was just an argument over who gets the last piece of cupcake. I can’t describe how our friendship is like, but you get the point. If you don’t, you should.           

The Foster Kid (Part 5) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now