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I woke up to a noise past midnight. It was slightly scary because it was muffled sobs that came out of nowhere. I laid in bed motionless in attempt to identify the noise. I slowly sat up and swung my legs off the bed. I groaned and pushed myself up because the noise won’t stop and it’s slightly annoying and scary at the same time. I peeked outside and started to trudge towards the noise. I made up all the possibilities that could happen, but I kept on convincing myself that none of it is true. I remained soundless, as the noise got louder, meaning that I was getting closer. Then I stopped in front of Nate’s door. I know that kind of cry, it reminds me of myself back when I was only his age and younger. I creaked the door open and peeked in, “Hey, buddy.” I softly said, “I thought I heard something.”

            He crawled off bed and ran towards me, “Ally!”

            I scooped him up and held him tight, “What’s wrong? Did you have a bad dream?”

            He nodded in the crook of my neck, “Mmhhm.”

            I rubbed his back, “It’s okay, and it’s only a dream.”

            “Is it going to come true?” He innocently asked, his voice slightly shaky.

            “No.” I reassured, “So, what did you dream about?”

            “I was in a dark cave and I’m all by myself and I heard monsters and then they started chasing me and I don’t know where to go and there were hundreds of them.” He sobbed, “Ally, I’m scared.”

            “The monster’s not going to get you because monsters are actually afraid of kids like you.” I started to shuffle towards his bed, “Fear no monster.”

            “Then why do they scare kids like me?”

            “’They don’t.” I lifted his little chin up so he could see me in the eyes, “They do that to show you that they’re scared. It’s like what they do the defend themselves. You don’t have to worry about monsters, they’re nothing.”

            He nodded understandingly, “Can you tell me a story?”

            “You really like stories, don’t you?” I smirked, “I always catch you asking for a story.”

            He sheepishly nodded, “Daddy likes to tell me a lot of stories.”

            I tucked him in his bed and laid next to him, “So, what do you want me to tell you about?”

            He nuzzled his head on my shoulder and got cozy, “Anything.”

            I gasped exaggeratingly, “Anything?”

            He giggled, “Yea, anything.”

            I sighed, “Okay…” I tried to make up some shitty bedtime story in my head while Nate waits patiently. I was actually praying that he would fall asleep in a snap, but that didn’t happen. He was wide-awake and I can’t think of anything. “Hey, what about I fix you something up?”


            I stood up and took his hand, “What do you want?”

            “A sandwich, please.”

            “Is PB and J okay?”

            “That’d be great, thanks.” He replied. We quietly made our way to the kitchen with no noise. I slowly opened the cabinets as Nate climbed on a stool. Wouldn’t want to wake the kidnapper up if you want to keep your ass safe. “Can I help you with that?”

The Foster Kid (Part 5) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt