The End

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I don’t know how the guys were doing, but I hope they’re okay. Andy, Nate and I are in the warehouse and are setting everything up. I have come up on what the warehouse should look like last night. It should look like an abandoned warehouse with a hidden stage and some speakers. The crew understood what I wanted it to look like, so we didn’t have to argue about anything. Everything was running smoothly. The part of the warehouse that we renovated was the backyard, where it directly links to the beach. The inside was untouched because it looks perfect already. We were sitting somewhere with Rebecca joining us. “So how was it?” She asked, “The prank.”

            “It was great.” I nodded, “I think your man’s going to kill me.”

            “How many times must you say that?” Andy interjected, “I know already! It’s not only you who’s going to get killed, you know? I’m right here threatening them.”

            “Okay, I’m sorry.” I groaned, “Calm down, pops.”

            “Did you have a good time?” She asked Nate,


            “What’s that you’re holding?” She pointed at the flashlight that I gave Nate,

            “The stars.” He smiled,

            “The stars?” She glanced at Andy and I, “What is he saying?”

            “It’s a long story.” I said because I didn’t feel like telling,

            “It’s what our dad used to do to us when we can’t sleep.” Andy explained, “Back in the old days.”

            She understood and smiled warmly, “I see. I like how your father works.”

            Andy and I nodded in awkward response,            “Yea.”

            “How are the guys taking it?” She changed the topic,

            “They’re pretty devastated.” I answered, “I think they’re going to lose their minds after this.”

            “But it’s nice that you’re doing all this for them.”

            I smiled sheepishly, “They broke the record after all- Andy, what in the world are you smiling at? I couldn’t help it but notice you smiling like a weirdo. I mean, seriously, are you okay?”

            “What?” He arched an eyebrow in fake confusion,           

            “You’re smiling- See? You’re doing it again!” I pointed teasingly, “You’re making me worried.”

            “I think I know that smile.” Rebecca smirked teasingly,

            “You do?” Andy fidgeted,

            “Of course I do.” She giggled, “Is it your little sport or your little princess?”

            Andy flushed with embarrassment and smiled broadly, “My little princess.”

            Her smile widened, “Right, Jacob told me. How old is she?”

            “Nine months and counting.”

            “Daddy’s girl?”

            He shrugged, “I can’t tell yet, but I was kind of hoping so.”

The Foster Kid (Part 5) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now