Konoha (3rd POV)

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"Hurry and lock the doors!"

The order was shouted above all the ruckus, just loud enough for everyone to hear before scurrying to perform the demand.

Once all the doors were locked, the blonde Hokage sat in her chair, arms propped on the wooden desk, waiting.



The voice radiated from the base of the Hokage tower, the owner making himself known.

He sounded furious.

No, Tsunade internally shook her head as she carefully bit down on her thumb nail, just enough that it wouldn't break. He sounded livid.

She had done what she could, but now, she could no longer hide the truth. She had even gone as far as sending the teenager on his first A-rank mission, knowing that he would react this way as soon as he returned.

Once he seen that his home was void of a certain little raven haired girl.

That idiot, Tsunade silently cursed the raven haired girl. How could she leave? Without leaving so much as a trace of being there - anywhere? The blonde Hokage chuckled. She should have known this would happen.


The door to her office was ripped off its' hinges, making Shizune jump, her eyes darting from her mistress, to the livid blonde teenager standing before them. He was pissed.

"Where the hell is she?" He asked - no... Demanded.

His right eye was red, while his left remained the cerulean blue.

A half take-over.

They had all witnessed it before, the first time Miyu had left.

"Answer me, Tsunade. Where. Is. Miyu." He growled, the nine-tails chakra surrounding him like a shield.

Yamato, only slightly winded from chasing the blonde through the building, finally came to a stop behind him, eyes wide. Holding out his right hand, he began trying to suppress the nine-tails chakra.

It only infuriated the demon.

"I told you that would not work on me again. My mate is gone. Do you think you can really suppress me?"  Kurama's words were harsh as he turned his glare to Yamato. "I will not rest until I find her. I will even demolish this village, if need be." 

"No, that will not be necessary." Tsunade narrowed her eyes, watching as red seeped into the one cerulean eye, proving that this person, was all Kurama. "I have Anbu searching for her as we speak, in all nations. You are welcome to join them. As long as you take Yamato, Kakashi, Sakura and Sai with you."


"Then it's settled." The blonde woman sighed. "Gather your team and go find the girl. But know this, when she returns, she will be punished."

"You won't touch her, woman. If you so much as lay a finger on her..." Naruto's face contorted to something murderous. "I'll kill you."


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