Lost Time

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Miyu's pov.

I just simply stared. I mean, that's all I could do as the Hokage spoke.

"Inoichi didn't find anything alarming. However, until I deem you fit to be on your own, you will be placed under watch." Tsunade suddenly smirked, a knowing gleam in her eyes as they drifted to Naruto. "Meaning, you will be staying with Naruto."

"That's fine..." I said quietly.

"One thing left before you leave." Tsunade went back to narrowing her eyes on me. "Your sharingan." She sighed. "Since Inoichi didn't find anything that goes against what you said, I won't be sealing it. But, if you should act out against the villag-"

"Then you can seal it." I cut her off, earning a glare. "I have no qualms against the village. This is my home. I won't betray it so easily." Tsunade seemed a bit surprised but nodded.

"Then that's it. You can go." The minute she said those words, I was scooped up bridal style and Naruto was out the window, jumping from roof top to roof top.

I buried my face into his jacket, barely paying attention until my feet were lowered to the ground.

He guided me inside his apartment and shut the door, locking it.

"Go sit on the bed." Was the only thing he said, and even though it was soft, I could hear the demanding tone beneath it.

I stayed quiet and started toward his room. This place is just as I remembered.

Messy, and totally Naruto.

I couldn't help but smile as I entered his room. Sitting down on the bed criss cross - like I was told - I grabbed his pillow, I grabbed the pillow and hugged it to my chest.

I hadn't realized I closed my eyes until I had to open them as a hand brushed against my forehead, pushing my bangs away.

"What are you doing?" I asked as Naruto gently pressed his forehead to mine.

"Sasuke said you weren't feeling good." Was the answer. "I don't think he would lie about your health."

"I really don't know anymore, Naruto." I sighed. "He's never lied to me before... and when he told me you died.... I broke..." Tears stung my eyes, but when one escaped, it didn't get very far as Naruto wiped it away.

"Miyu..." Naruto had a pained look on his face as he stood from his kneeling position. But the look changed to one of determination with a hint of anger. "That won't be happening anytime soon."

Naruto took the pillow from me and pulled me to my feet, arms wrapping around my waist.

"You are mine." Kurama's voice mixed in with Naruto's as he spoke. "And I'm not letting anyone take you from me. Ever. Again."

My heart raced at the statement. Smiling softly, I rested my head against his chest.

He's really grown, I thought, feeling his arms tighten around me. In more ways than one.

"Come on, love, we need to get some rest. Its been a long day." I nodded, but didn't move. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Sasuke made me lay down before he trained, all because I got a little dizzy and had a headache." I muttered. "That's probably what he was talking about."

"Dizzy?" Naruto repeated, back to his usual self. I hummed out a reply, pulling away and looking up at the blonde I missed so much.

"It was just a small dizzy spell, no big deal."

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