So Dead...

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"Onii-san.." I stared up at my brother as we walked down the road, the others following behind. Thankfully they were far enough that Karin couldn't hear me call Sasuke my brother. Apparently, that little fact has been taken away from the little image Suigetsu painted into her mind. Interesting, I will admit, but a pain in the butt. She thinks I'm his girlfriend, and glares at me every chance she gets.

"What is it?" He asked, barely glancing my way as he spoke. I frowned, and peeked back over my shoulder. It's been a few days since I woke up, and we've started moving again. And something is bothering me. "Miyu, what is it?" 

I sighed and shook my head, telling him to forget it. My mind was completely stuck on what Kurama had said. And I couldn't exactly tell Sasuke about that.. He would freak out to the extreme. And I don't want that. My silence made my brother turn his head toward me, eyes narrowed. 

"My stomach feels weird..." I whispered. It was true. My stomach did feel weird. Sasuke frowned as we started walking through a random town. There was a sweet smell coming from the stands, and it smelled so yummy. "S-Sasuke..." I stopped, feeling m stomach churn. Slapping a hand over my mouth, I turned and ran away from the smell. 

Stopping at a tree, I moved to the bushes and dropped to my knees before I began emptying the contents of my stomach in the bushes. I'm so lucky my hair was up in a ponytail... Because by the time the others even reached me, I was finished. 

"Miyu, are you alright?" Suigetsu dropped beside me. Sasuke glared at my white haired friend, but seemed to let it go. 

"Y-Yeah..." I breathed, moving to stand. My legs wobbled, but I sighed. 

"We should go see a doctor..." Suigetsu suggested. Sasuke seemed to think for a moment. "It would be a good idea since she's still getting better. We can't have her traveling if she's still sick." That seemed to be the statement my brother needed to nod in agreement. My legs were swiped from under me, and I was being carried in my brothers arms. 


"Ayano," The doctor said the name Sasuke had given me as a cover. "I have some good news." He smiled. I frowned. "Your...."








Ayame: Gomen my loves, this is just a super short chapter since I have plans for the next chapter and I just had to tease and get this outa the way x) Anyway, I love you all! 
Please save your ideas for my torture until the Next chapter! Ja ne~

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