Chapter 4

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When I woke up, I saw that I had a few texts from Em.

Hey, can you come over today?

I still feel sad.

Oh, and bring fro-yo.

I smiled to myself and changed into my daily outfit: blue tank top, white shorts, white flip-flops, and a pink bikini on underneath. I walked downstairs and went into the pristine garage. I grabbed my bike, opened the garage, and started to peddle to Pinkberry. Pinkberry was in the heart of town. The town is small and filled with cute little stores and restaurants. Pinkberry was one of the most successful places in town. I climbed up the concrete stairs of Pinkberry. I reached for the door, but someone inside opened it. Startled, I lost my balance and started to fall backwards. The person leaned forwards and grabbed my waist. I latched onto their shoulders to sturdy myself.

"Thanks," I said as I tucked a lock of hair behind my un-pierced ear.

I shyly looked up and saw that it was none other than Evan who had his muscular arm wrapped around my waist.

"No problem," he bashfully replied.

We gazed into each other's eyes for a few long moments.

"You can take your hand off my waist now."

"Oh, sorry!"

Evan blushed and quickly removed his hand.

"So, what are you doing here?" Evan asked.

"Em wants me to pick up some frozen yogurt for her. I'm going over her house to help comfort her again."

"I see."

There was an awkward silence.

"Well, I better go inside."

"Oh, yeah."

Evan moved out of the door frame. I grabbed the door and stepped inside. The door was about to close, but a hand reached and stopped it.

"Wait, Bridget. I can't stop thinking about you. Can I please have your number?"

I didn't want to play hard to get, but I didn't want to be too easy.

"Well..." I said, noting the desperate look in his eyes. "I guess so."

I grabbed his cellphone from his outstretched hand and typed my number into his contacts.

"Great! Thanks, Bridget. Bye!" Evan beamed.

Evan strolled away. I went inside and made a vanilla with Oreos fro-yo for me and a chocolate fro-yo with all the chocolate toppings for Em. I was so happy that I practically floated out of Pinkberry and to Em's house.

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