Chapter 13

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The next day after my big blowout with my mom, Evan came over to my house. I had called him earlier today to tell him exactly what went down between my mom and I. He was very sympathetic and promised that he would come over. Now, he was here and I couldn't have been happier.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him as I closed the door behind him.

"Do you want to play a board game?"


I led him downstairs to where we kept all the board games. It took a little bit of time, but we finally agreed on Risk. I haven't played this game in a long time. In fact, the game box was caked in dust. Nevertheless, I brought the game upstairs. We sat down on the floor, cross-legged, and I emptied out the contents of the box. He chose to have the red soldiers and I chose to have the yellow. Then we started playing.


It was a long (very long, like five hours long) war of global domination. Soldiers were lost, armies were wiped out, yet both of us refused to surrender. In the end, Evan did win, but I put up a good fight.

"No fair!" I exclaimed as I put on a fake-pout and dramatically fell backwards.

"You did good. Plus, I had an extremely tough competitor," Evan said as he rolled on top of me.



We started to kiss, long and hard. When we stopped, Evan furrowed his head in my neck.

Placing his soft lips on the tender part of my neck, he whispered, "I love you to the moon and back."

I deeply sighed.

"I love you too."

We made-out for the rest of the time that he was at my house.

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