Chapter 20

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I felt a sting in my upper arm. When Evan pushed Chris off me, Chris ended up stabbing my arm instead of where he initially planned to stab. I put my arm on my wound and realized I was bleeding. My wound didn't look that serious, nothing some gauze couldn't fix. I glanced over at Evan and saw that he was holding Chris to the ground.

"Go...get...the...police," Evan managed to say through clenched teeth.

Apparently, trying to hold a thrashing Chris to the ground was taking a toll on Evan. Personally, I was just glad that Evan was able to get the knife away from Chris and that I was no longer being attacked by Chris.

I sprinted through the streets, trying to find the source of the blaring siren. I eventually found the car down the street a ways. It stopped in front of Pinkberry for me. I jogged over to the driver's window. He rolled down the window for me.

"Hello, officer," I was able to say steadily, despite the fact that I just ran like a mile.

"Are you the missing girl?" he asked, pulling his glasses down to the bridge of his nose as if to take a better look at me.

"Yes, but I'm found now. Anyway, my..."

"Would you like me to drive you home?" he interrupted.

"Maybe later. Anyway, on my way to your police car, I was assaulted by a teenage boy. He tried to kill me, but fortunately for me, my boyfriend came and rescued me. He's currently restraining the attacker, but he doesn't know how much longer he can hold him down. We need to hurry!" I quickly explained.

The police officer reached across the car to the other side and opened the passenger's door.

"Get in," he commanded.

I ran around to the other side of the car and flung myself in. I slammed the door shut as he made the siren louder and faster.

"Hold on tight. It's going to be a bumpy ride."

The car screeched and we took off, leaving tire marks in the pavement.


It was difficult to see everything in the dark, but I remembered that Evan was restraining Chris close to the only Starbucks in our town. I informed the officer about this and he quickly drove there. He pulled the car over near the sidewalk curb and parked it. We quickly got out of the car.

The police officer pulled his pistol out of its holder and loudly commanded, "Freeze where you are!"

Chris and Evan froze, terror rushing into their faces.

"Put your hands up in the air!" he shouted, pointing his pistol at them.

They quickly shoved their hands in the air.

The police man shoved me in the side and whispered, "Which one's the attacker?"

"The brunette," I answered.

"No, please! I'm innocent! It's the dirty blonde one and his blonde girlfriend who attacked me and threatened to kill me," Chris begged.

The officer and I shared disbelieving glances.

"Yeah, sure. I'll believe that when pigs fly," the officer retorted.

He stepped towards Chris, pulled him up, took out his handcuffs, and cuffed him.

"I'm innocent!" Chris pleaded as he was roughly shoved in the car.

"Are you kids okay with walking home by yourself?" the police officer politely asked.

"I think we'll be just fine," Evan answered, a small grin appeared on his face even though he was trying to conceal it.

"Are you sure? It looks like it's going to rain," he concernedly informed.

I beamed.

"We'll be just fine," I replied.

"All right then. Have a nice night."

He got in his car and slammed the door shut.

"You too!" I called out as he sped away.

A few seconds later, droplets of water began to drop on me head.

"Looks like he was right," I grinned.

"I guess so."

He was about to grab my hand when he noticed that my arm was bleeding.

"You're hurt."

"Yeah, Chris stabbed my arm, but it's no that bad. I'll be fine."

"Here!" he said as he took off his jacket and gave me the shirt that was underneath it instead.

I held out my arm for him and he tightly wrapped it. Evan walked over to my other side and grabbed my hand. We walked, hand-in-hand, into the night.

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