Chapter 9

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It was a long silent car ride. Both Evan and I were too uncomfortable to even talk to each other. I was jubilant when I saw the vast blue ocean. Our car parallel-parked on the road right next to the sand. I flung my car door open and sprinted outside, my hair flying behind me in the salty sea air. Evan jogged after me. Abruptly, I fell to the ground and started to roll, laughing as I went. I may have looked weird, but I didn't care. I was over-joyed that I had the chance to swim in the ocean. I stopped rolling and just laid on the soft sand, just looking at the sunny, clear, blue sky. Evan finally caught up to me, with my heavy tote bag dangling in his hand. He stood over me, grinning brightly.

"What are you doing, you knucklehead?" he beamed, slightly shaking his head and playfully rolling his eyes.

"I just love the beach!" I happily exclaimed. "Plus, I'm just happy to be out of that car. Talk about awkward!"

Evan nodded and stretched out his hand for me. I grabbed it and jumped up. Chris and Em walked over to us, hand-in-hand.

"You guys can go do what you want. Just meet us at the car in two hours," Chris said.

They turned to walk away.

"Wait!" I cried. "Can I speak to you for a second, Em?"

"I guess so," Em reluctantly replied.

We walked a few yards away from the boys.

"Listen, I feel really bad about what happened a few days ago," I began.

"Me too," Em butted in, shyly ducking her head.

"You're right, it is your life and I shouldn't tell you what to do. If you want to keep dating Chris, then go ahead. I shouldn't be the one to decide. I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Yes. And I'm sorry too for getting so mad. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course!"

I threw my arms around her, and we hugged. We walked back to the boys.

"Now, go have fun with Chris."

"Thanks. Have fun with Evan!"

I watched Chris sneakily pick up Em and carry her, bride-style, far down the beach. I turned to Evan. I took off my shirt and shorts and shoved them in my bag.

Kicking off my flip-flops and starting to run, I yelled, "Race you into the ocean!!"

Evan tried to beat me into the ocean, but it was too late. I had already won. I paddled out far into the chilly water. When I couldn't stand anymore, I stopped.

"No fair! You got a head start," he said when he reached me with a fake pout on his handsome face.

I giggled and splashed him.

Evan mischievously grinned, "Oh, it's on!"

He rapidly showered me with bursts of water. I squealed and ducked under the water. When I returned to the surface, I saw that Evan was already waiting for me.

"Haha! Meet your demise."

I beamed and swam under the water again, missing his huge splashes of water. But Evan dove after me. I swam to the bottom of the ocean and Evan floated over me. He got closer to me and pinned me to the sand at the bottom of the ocean with one hand. With the other hand, he ran his fingers all over me, causing me to squirm and squeal with laughter. Unfortunately, I sucked in water and started to choke. Realizing this, Evan released me, grabbed my small hand, and pulled me to the surface. When we broke the surface, I took huge gulps of air.

"Are you okay?" Evan asked, with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine," I choked out when I had enough air in my lungs.

We swam back to shore. Evan pulled out a striped blue and white towel and draped it around my shoulders.


He just smiled at me and we sat together and talked on the sand for the rest of the time until we had to leave.

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