Chapter 22

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I woke up with happy thoughts in my head.

"Good morning, Evan!" I happily sang.

I got out of my make-shift bed. I looked down at where Evan had slept at the foot of my couch, but I didn't see him.

"Evan?" I called out, my voice cracking.

No answer.

I ran into the kitchen, scouring the counter for some kind of note. Ah-ha! I found one. I started to read it. It was from my mom. It said:

Bridget, you should have told me that you had come back home! I wanted to help look for you, but Evan insisted that everything would be fine and that I should work on the urgent issue I had just received at work. I was up all night worrying about you! Anyway, we wanted to wake you up to come with us to the airport, but you just wouldn't wake up. Evan asked me to tell you to call him later when you wake up. And later, when I get home, I am going to tell you everything that I should've told you before.

Love you, mom

I quickly stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out my cellphone. I rapidly dialed Evan's phone number. Waiting for him to pick up was torturous.

"It's you!" he exclaimed. "I've been waiting for you to call. Listen, I'm just about to board, so we're going to have to keep this conversation short."

I braced myself for what I was about to say. I knew that if I didn't say it then, than I would never say it.

"I think we should break-up," I abruptly blurted out. "Evan, I love you so much..."

"And I love you too."

"But I'm not stupid. Long-distance relationships never work out. I don't want to have to go through the pain of loving you, but never seeing you. If it's meant to be, then we'll definitely find our way back to each other. But for now, I think that we should call it off."

There was a brief silence.

"I understand, but just so you know, I will never stop loving you."

"I'll always love you too," I replied, blinking away my tears. "Good bye."


I hung up the phone. I counted to three and then I let him go.

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