Chapter 7

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I showed up at Evan's house 15 minutes early. Ringing the doorbell, I anxiously waited for someone to open the door. Evan swung open the door.

"I'm sorry I'm so early."

"No, no. It's fine. My parents like early people."

He grabbed my hand and led me over to the dining room, where his father was sitting at the head of the table, all ready for dinner. His father stood up and walked over to me.

"I'm Mr. Garner."

"Hi, I'm Bridget Toulane."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too, sir."

Evan pulled out a seat for me across from him. His mother burst through the door, holding a steaming red pot.

"We're having lasagna and peas today for dinner," she excitedly announced.

Great. My two least favorite things. I had no clue what to do.

"Yum," Evan said.

His mother set down the pasta and went back for the peas. She grabbed the large bowl of peas and set it down.

"Before we eat, let us pray," Mr. Garner said.

"Do we have to?" Evan asked.


Mr. and Mrs. Garner both reached for my hand. I grabbed their hands. I had never prayed before, so I didn't know what to do.

"Dear God, thank you for this lovely day. And thank..."

His prayer went on and on. I almost fell asleep.


Mrs. Garner and Evan both repeated that word. I said it a beat later, completely making a dingbat of myself. I grabbed my spoon and served myself a few peas and a miniscule amount of lasagna.

"That's all you're going to eat?" Mrs. Garner asked.

I started to sweat.

"Um, yes. You see... I ate a really large lunch today."

Mrs. Garner nodded, looking disappointed that I didn't take more of her food. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, so I reluctantly scooped up some more lasagna, even though I hated tomatoes. The dinner continued on for a while longer, silent except for the occasional chatter. There looked like there was something on Mr. Garner's mind.

"So, Bridget," Mr. Garner started to say, "what's your spiritual life like?"

"Father, is that really important?" Evan interrupted.

"You shut your mouth boy or I will beat you!!!"

"No, you can't! I'm an adult."

"If you live in my house, then I have control over you!!!!" Mr. Garner screamed.

"Then maybe I will move out."

Mrs. Garner started to sob, but anyone could tell that she couldn't say anything while this happened without being yelled at by her husband.

"Go ahead! It would be better to not have a no-good atheist son living under my roof!!"

Evan roughly stood up, knocking his chair to the ground.

"Bridget, come with me."

I followed him up the stairs to his bedroom. He grabbed a trash bag from his closet, and furiously started to shove things into it.

"I know you probably don't care, but I'm not an atheist," Evan grumbled.

"Then what are you?"

I was curious to hear his answer because I had perceived him of not believing in a god.

"I believe in the power of the universe."

"What's that?"

"I believe that there is a supernatural force, but I don't believe that it has complete control over our lives. I don't believe in a Hell. I believe that if you live a good life, then you will go to an evolved planet; while the people with bad character are simply sent back to this world to keeping living new lives until they learn their lesson. I don't believe that this force is cruel or that we should fear it, instead that it is a loving and caring force. That's what I believe."

I was at a loss for words. I didn't think that Evan was this deep.

"Wow," I gasped. "That sounds amazing."

He picked me up by the waist.

"It is amazing," he said, staring deep in my eyes. "And in my heart I just know that it is true."

He gently set me down and I hugged him.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered.

"It's okay. It's about to get a lot better for me now that I'm not going to live here anymore."

I pulled away.

"Where are you going to live? I would love for you to live at my house, but my mom would never allow it."

"I understand. I actually have a potential living place."

"Really? Where?"

"I've actually gotten pretty friendly with this guy named Chris. I think I used to know him when I lived here. Do you know him?"

I growled.

"Oh, yeah. I know him."

"Well, I know that he has his own apartment and is struggling to pay rent, so he's looking for a roommate. I have plenty of money, especially since my parents already paid my tuition for four years at Harding University."

"So you're going to live with Chris?"

He frowned and grabbed his three trash bags full of stuff.

"Yep. Is that bad?"

"No, it's fine, except for the fact that he cheated on my best friend."


Evan's face fell.

"But really, it's fine. Go live with him," I quickly added.

"Sorry the dinner didn't go that well," Evan apologized.

"Anytime with you is time that I enjoy."

Evan beamed.

"Same. Well, I better get going."

I nodded. We walked downstairs together.

"Goodbye, my love," he goofily said as he bowed.

I giggled.


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