Chapter 12

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Startled, I jumped away from Evan. My heart was racing again, but not in a good way this time. The person stormed over to me.

"Get out of the pool right this second! You're going home!" they yelled.

"Bu-but how did you know I was here, mom?" I sputtered.

"A very nice boy, I believe his name is Chris, came to my house and told me that you were here." she explained.

I was shocked. My mouth dropped open. I felt betrayed. I had been friends with Chris since 6th grade. I told him about my mom and her dumb swimming rule out of confidence. I should never have trusted him.

"Now get out!" she screamed.

I turned to Evan and shot him an apologetic glance as I climbed out of the pool. I tried to catch up to my mom as she speed-walked out of the pool.

"Get in the car," she commanded.

I quickly flung open the door and hopped inside.

"I'm not big on rules and you know that," my mom yelled as the engine roared to life. "This is my biggest rule for you and you blatantly disregard it!"

"I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again," I pleaded. "But why do I even have this rule in the first place?"

I had never asked this question before. All my life, I just accepted whatever my mom said. Well, not anymore.

My question was a huge mistake. I could tell this when she glared at me with pure rage in her cold blue eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Just respect my rule," she coldly said with that note of no-more-talking-about-this in her tone.

I shrunk down in my seat. I had managed to make this situation ten times worse, like I always do. I didn't dare to say another thing for the rest of the car ride. When we reached the house, we silently exited the car and went into the living room. I sat down on the firm, leather, black couch as my mom stood, hovering over me.

"Let's get down to business," she said in her cold business tone. "I will let you keep seeing this Evan boy, but only because I genuinely think that he is a nice boy with good intentions. Secondly, you are not to leave this house for the rest of the month, unless you are accompanied by me. The only people who I will allow to come over to my house to see you will be Em and Evan. No exceptions. Lastly, since you have nowhere else to go, you are going to help me out around the house."

I inwardly groaned.

"Am I clear?!"

"Yes," I muttered.

"I can't hear you."



My mom walked out of the room, probably up to her bedroom so she could do some of her accounting work.

I was furious at my mom. I had absolutely no clue why I couldn't go swimming like normal kids! Now, because of my 'blatant disregard' of this rule, the last month of my summer was going to stink. I don't understand why I, of all people, have to be cursed with the mom I have. 

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