Chapter 15

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Evan pounded on the door. I dashed over to open it while Em called to invite Chris over.

"What's the matter?" he frantically asked, panting like a dog.

"Did you run here?"

"I may have. But seriously, what's wrong?"

"Em just told me that the reason she's afraid to break up with Chris was because he beats her up. We need you to be here while Em breaks up with him."

"I will break him," Evan muttered through gritted teeth.

"You may just get the chance to."

The doorbell rang. Em and I nervously stood in front of the couch while Evan answered the door.

"It'll be okay," I whispered. "Be strong."

Chris walked into the house, oblivious to Evan's furious glare.

"What's going on?" Chris asked.

"Em has something to say," I began.

She took a deep breath and tried to stop her wobbling knees.

"For a few months now, you've done nothing but cheat on me and beat me. Because of this, we are no longer dating," she strongly informed.

Chris turned beet red and lunged towards her. I ran in front of her to shield her. Chris ended up knocking me down and pinning me to the ground. Evan dove into Chris's side, thrusting him off of me. Em was on her cellphone, calling the police. Chris was underneath Evan. He tried to throw Evan off of him, but Evan was stronger than him. Chris started to kick and punch him. Evan winded back his fist and let it fly right into Chris's face, knocking him out cold.

Em ran over to Evan and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with tears.

"No problem."

The police came to the door, so we let them in. We informed them about what happened while they jotted down notes. They then grabbed Chris's limp body and threw him into their car. They didn't tell us what would happen to him, but I had a feeling that it wouldn't be good. Em left, after showering both of us with kisses and hugs, promising to me that she would do something really special for me. It was just me and Evan now.

"Well, I guess I'm not going to be living in Chris's apartment anymore."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to be anywhere near that guy and any of his stuff."

"Do you think you could move back in with your parents?" I stupidly suggested.

Evan started to blush.

"Um, actually, I was just disowned by my parents today. I'm officially an orphan. It's a good thing my parents already paid for my college and that there are no refunds."

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. I was just at the courtroom about an hour ago. We both signed the forms. I have nowhere to live now."

"I can ask my mom to see if you can live here until you leave for college." I suggested.

"Okay, thank you. Even though she may say no, I'm going to go pack up all my stuff. Call me when you're done talking to her."

He burst out of the house, sprinting down the street to his old apartment. I grabbed my cellphone from where I left it on top of the kitchen bar table. I dialed in my mom's phone number.


"Mom! Listen a friend of mine has nowhere to stay until Saturday. Could he live at our house until then?"

"I don't know. Why does he need somewhere to stay?"

"He was just kicked out of his house and disowned by his parents."

"Oh my! Of course. He'll sleep in the spare bedroom then. I'll see you after work."

She hung up. I then called Evan.

"What did she say?" he anxiously asked.

"You can stay at my place until you leave for college!"

"Yes! I'm on my way then."

Forty minutes later, Evan burst through the door (I left it un-locked for him). I grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs.

"Come on! Faster!" I commanded.

"It's hard to quickly walk up stairs with a heavy suitcase in your hand."

I frowned at him.

"I could walk faster than you with a suitcase."

"I'm sure you could," he said with a playful grin.

"Yes, I could," I stubbornly argued.

"Go ahead then and try it."

He handed me his black suitcase. I tried to pull the suitcase up the stairs. I couldn't. I was too weak.

"I could do this if I wanted to, but I don't want to," I lied.

I gave him the suitcase.

We walked through the narrow upstairs hallway. The guestroom was next to my bedroom and across from my mom's bedroom.

"Here you go," I said.

He walked into the room.

"Nice. Thanks."

"No problem."

I left and went into my bedroom so he could have some time to unpack and get comfortable. I was over-joyed that my boyfriend was staying at my house.

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