Chapter 10

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A few uneventful days came and went. Evan was out of town those days and Em was occupied with Chris, so there was absolutely nothing for me to do. I woke bright and early on the day that Evan was getting back. It took a lot of control, but I did not drive over to Evan and Chris's apartment at the time that I knew he was getting back at. Instead, I curled up on the couch and read a book until Evan came over to my house. He rang the doorbell, and I ran to the door. Taking a second to make sure that my hair looked nice, I threw open the door. Evan stepped forward and enveloped me in a hug.

"I missed you!" Evan said.

"I missed you too!"

"Do you want to go do something together? I don't care if I just got back, I really want to do something with you."

"I would love to hang out with you. It was so boring when you were gone."

"Great! Let's go to the pool."

"Sounds good with me."

I walked out of the door frame, but Evan grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Don't you have to go change?" he questioned.

I bashfully answered, "No. I always wear my bikini."


"Just in case I ever get to go swimming while my mom isn't there."

"Oh, okay."

I grabbed his hand and we strolled to the pool, silently, so we could just enjoy each other's presence. We walked over to one of the pool chairs. Evan set down our two borrowed white towels on the chair. We stripped down to our bathing suits, and jumped, hand-in-hand, into the chilly water.

"I'm freezing!" I shivered, my teeth clattering.

Evan wrapped his muscular arms around my bare waist from behind me and pressed me closer into him. My whole body turned red.

"Are you feeling warmer now?" he fake-innocently asked, with a mischievous smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Very warm now," I grinned.

He nuzzled his head into my hair and lightly kissed the top of my ear.

"I can't stop thinking about you," he softly whispered into my ear.

"Me too."

It was the perfect moment, but it was quickly ruined when I opened my eyes and saw Chris and Kayla kissing in the corner of the pool.

"Excuse me for a moment," I said to Evan as I paddled over to Chris.

I tapped him on the shoulder.

He stopped kissing Kayla and started to turn around as he murmured, "Yes? Oh... Bridget. Um... Well, this is awkward."

"You're right. This is awkward. I can't believe you! You're a lying sneak! You never learn!!!" I screamed.

"What is she talking about?" Kayla worriedly asked.

"Your so-called boyfriend has another girlfriend. He's cheating on you," I bitterly told her.

Kayla burst into to tears, climbed out of the pool, and ran away.

"Kayla, wait!" Chris called out.

He turned to me with fury painted across his pale face. He was as furious as a little boy, angrily weeping because his parents told him that he couldn't get the Transformers toy he had been coveting for months.

"I hate you so much, Bridget," he spat.

He got out of the pool and started to sprint after Kayla. I climbed up the ladder and walked over to my shorts, where my cellphone was stashed in the right pocket. I pulled it out and texted Em.

I'm so sorry, Em, but Chris is still cheating on you with Kayla.

I put my cellphone back and jumped into the pool near Evan, trying to put aside what had just happened.

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