Chapter Five

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"Sure is," I forced a fake smile to him, he smiled back at me although his smile seemed to be a bit more genuine than mine. Christian looked down at his hand before he began to speak, as if he were trying to decide what he was going to say. I nudge him gently with my shoulder, he smiles back over too me.

"Ask away," He said finally, we sat there in silence as I wracked my brain for a simple question to begin with, then it occurred to me that there might not be a simple question to begin with.

"Go ahead," he said suddenly interrupting my thoughts, I looked up to him across the table from me, he rolled his eyes a forced a smile to me. "Just ask the question, Ana."

"Tell me what you meant about Elena," I whispered as if someone could hear us at our secluded table, his eyes tightened fractionally as he pursed his lips together. Suddenly I felt terrible, although I had already held up on my end and told some of the things that have happened to me since we've spoken I feel bad for pushing Christian, perhaps I was ready to tell someone and he's not. "You don't have to tell me Christian."

"No, I do, I promised you I would." He insists, I can't help but still feel as though I'm pushing him into sharing something he simply isn't ready to share. I believe he sees the uncertainty in my eyes because he quickly adds, "I want you to know, Ana; I want to trust you."


Have you ever head of BDSM Ana?" He asked out of nowhere, I gaped at him wide eyed for a moment before answering; I nodded, I was almost completely certain that was some sort of weird sex thing. I decide it best not to speak, I simply waited on him to continue. "Elena seduced me when I was fifteen, she was into the Dom/Sub scene, I was her submissive up until just a few months ago. " I'm sure Christian was trying his best to explain this in the most comprehensible way but, this was still something quite difficult to hear.

"You... Christian... I'm so sorry. Why would she do that to you? And why would it have ended, if it lasted that long?" I saw a dark glint in his eye as he shook his head looking down to the ground, he was ashamed of something.

"A while back when Elena was in the Hospital, you remember right?" I nodded it was right before she divorced Linc, "Linc caught us together." He elaborated simply. "Can we divert the attention from me for a couple moments?" He asked finally, I nodded.

"And why did you get so afraid when I grabbed your hand?" He asked the question I'm sure I knew that he would ask, I just wasn't ready for it.

"I..." I couldn't say it, I couldn't tell Elena, I can't tell Christian, the only people who know what Steven did are dead; except for him. But Christian told me, I should trust him enough to tell him. "Bad things started happening when my mom married Steven. . It didn't start off  as horribly though, it started with Steven's very harsh corporal punishment, I was always  doing something belt worthy... or fist worthy... or kicking in the stomach repeatedly worthy. I tried to tell my Mom but she kept saying if I would stop giving him reason." I laughed hysterically through my tears in disbelief  that I was actually saying these things aloud for the first time since I told my father when I was twelve years old. "I was a sheltered child, and I was ten, I had no idea what sex was, let alone sexual molestation, but then he started sneaking into my bedroom at night after my Mom would fall asleep."

"Ana.." He whispered putting his hand over mine, looking up at him I could see the anger in his eyes, his anger towards Steven for doing the things he did, its the same anger I saw in Ray's eyes that day; the day that my voice more than likely saved my father from a murder conviction.

A/N: Hey guys I know it's been a while, I just needed a semester away from writing, I had my Graduation Project to do, but that's all over and done with now so I will definitely have more time to keep you updated.

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