Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Okay so as my gift to you all for Halloween, I'm going to go ahead and post this chapter, I also would like to take a second to thank you all for the support that I've been getting through this story! You guys are amazing. 12 Votes and 7 Comments for Chapter Fourteen!

Seattle Prep wasn't really that bad, I went to the office first after Christian and Taylor dropped me off, Christian then informed me through text that he would be having someone pick me up for my internship after school. Inside of the school was brightly lit and warmer than I would've hoped for, the office was particularly larger, the waiting area particularly. The waiting area had designer sofa's and chairs all in the same tan color, and shang white carpet, notices and academic awards hung carefully on the beige walls. Flowery potted plants were everywhere, the flowers all in different variations of pink and lilac purples, as if they hadn't already planted enough flowers outside.The room was cut in half by a large white counter, that was cluttered with white baskets full of papers and brightly colors flyers taped to the front. There was one large desk behind the counter, which manned a large blonde haired woman, wearing a beige, of all colors, blazer over a white button up shirt.

"Can i help you?" she asks curtly,

"I'm Anastasia Steele, I start today," I inform her, and I see the immediate awareness light up her eyes, I was more than likely a topic of gossip no doubt, the orphaned niece of the wealthy woman whom made generous donations to this particular school every single year.

"Oh, of course, Anastasia." She smiled as she rifled through a small stack of papers next to her computer finding the one she was searching for quite quickly,. She ran through my classes with me, also handing me a map that had a highlighted route for each class. She smiled at me and hope that i would like it here at Seattle Prep, I smiled back as convincingly as I could.

I took my things and walked out to the hall to find the locker that she directed me to, a few particular people gawked at me when they saw me, probably identifying me as the girl that Katherine Kavanagh hasn't shut up about for about three weeks.

"ANA!" I heard a very familiar voice squel in front of me, Kate, I turned and as soon as I did I was in Kate's embrace. "I've been so worried about you, how have you been since I saw you last?"

"I'm fine Kate, I feel a lot better," I answer her, probably too quickly. The last time I saw Kate was at Ray's funeral, which insinuated what exactly she was asking, I knew this line well and I've never meant it, no matter how many times I say it.

"Good," She smiled, "You deserve to be able to be happy here Ana,"

"Speaking of being happy here, if Elena asks I was with you all day on Saturday alright?" I request as we approach the locker that is now mine which coincidentally is right next to Kate's.

"Okay, who were you really with?" She asks smiling at me as she shuts her locker leaning against it questioning me.

"Christian Grey," I say quickly, and my savior comes to the rescue, my savior being the first bell that signifies that I have five minute to find my class. "But I'll have to tell you about it later. Bye Kate."

The rest of my day passed on quite uneventfully, only my English teacher, Mr. Hyde made me stand before a classroom of students and introduce myself. I stammered, blushed, and tripped over my own words until I was allowed to return to my seat. In my third class I recognized particular people from my first and second classes, one asshole, who happened to of been in both of them, asked why I'd moved to Seattle anyway.

"I mean I know you moved in with your Aunt from what Kate said, but why?" He asked, I'm not sure as to whether or not he meant to sound cocky or if that was just his ever present tone of voice. "Is it because she's rich?" He laughed making a bad joke.

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