Chapter 8

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We all got out of the car and walked inside the house. All the lights were still closed which was weird since Harry walked in like 20 minutes ago and he was pissed.. so pissed but why? I was the only one who had the right to be angry he was the one that came onto me! But I couldn't be mad since maybe he was just drunk; he did drink loads.

Fuck, I dont know what to think, what if he wasn't drunk and wanted to hurt me? Or what if he meant everything he did to me. There could be endless amounts of possibilities but I didn't know what to choose. I was sticking with the drunk since Harry doesn't have a heart, mean but true.


I got undressed and didn't even bother to find or talk to Harry since I was still pissed. I got into my jammies and went to bed.


I woke up the next morning confused as to what happened last night. All I could of remembered was me getting drunk as fuck and getting yelled at by Des.

What the fuck why was he yelling at me, that stupid prick. I growled in annoyance.

Don't get me wrong I loved my dad to death and I look up to him a lot but I miss my mum and wish I could just stay with her instead. After the divorce I've noticed that my father is a complete arse. He cheated on my mum with some stupid whore and then met Avelyne, which I'm glad for since she is like my second mum, lovely woman, thinks of me as her own son and she would do anything for me.

I kinda hate how I treat her since I dont really know how to love, yes I'm fucked up. Sometimes I wished I could love like everyone else but I can't because I'm a heartless fucking prick, who doesn't believe in love since it's stupid and a waste of time.


I slipped on my black calvin kleins and walked out of my room to get some food from the kitchen.

I found a banana lying on the counter so I grabbed it and peeled it, almost having a heart attack since I heard someone breathing in back of me. Mick.

"Mick!" I nearly jumped "What the fuck are you doing"

"I came to make myself food? You do realize this is the kitchen, right?" She looked annoyed.

"Yeah I'm not blind" I rolled my eyes.

She pushed me out of the way to wash her hands "Look about last night.."

Last night? I was confused. What happened last night. Fucking hell. What the fuck did I do? Shag her? No no no I gagged at the thought.

I decided to play it cool and pretend like I knew what she was even talking about.

"Did you mean any of that stuff..." Mean what, for the love of...

"No I didn't mean to stick my dick in you" Fuck that sounded stupid.

I just waited for her to say something but she just turned red and looked hurt.

"Did I do something?" I asked in concern.

"We didn't fuck Harry.." She responded.

Fucking shit of course we didn't shag!

"Then what did we do?"

"You tried to fuck me in the women's stall and your dad found you on top of me"

Of course he did. "Woah" I was in shock. "Well I'm sorry for that Mick, I will never touch you again" I pushed her out of the way and walked up to my room.

Why was I acting all the nice? What the fuck was wrong with me.

Hope you liked this chapter and I can't wait for you to find out as to what happens next!! Thanks for reading :)

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