Chapter 4

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Someone shook me awake, my whole body ached.

I opened my eyes to see Alex, dirt smeared on his face and a gash above his brow.

He was yelling something but I couldn't hear him. My ears were ringing so bad.

The ringing finally went away I got up off the windshield.

"Come on. We need to get to Tellan." Alex said, pulling me to the passenger side of his truck.

"Hold on." I let go of his hand and quickly went over to my car, gripping the seat as I got my emergency bag out of the back seat. My head spun as I threw the bag into the cab of the truck.

"Easy, Jasmine." Alex helped me stay steady when I stumbled a little.


"Jazz? Jasmine, wake up." Alex gently shook my shoulder, soft kisses were being pressed to my jaw. "Jasmine, I'm going to go in and pick up Tellan and tell mom and dad. You need to call Fury. I'm sure he'd want to know-"

Just then, my extra phone in the emergency bag went off.

"That's probably him." I reached back and dug around for the phone. Alex got out of the truck and went around to the passenger window, which was opened.

"I love you." He leaned in and kissed my lips.

"I love you too." I whispered, pushing the answer button.

"Who's all been hurt?"

"I'm with Alex and we're picking Tellan up from the grandparents. What's going on, Nick?" I could hear arguing in the background.

"Its Romanoff and Rogers versus Stark and Barton."

"Nat and Clint are back?" I asked with excitement in my voice.

"Yes. They just showed up after we heard your house had been bombed."

"Wow. It just happened." I muttered, surprised a little by the assassin's speed.

"It actually happened a half an hour ago. Did you black out?"

".... I must've." I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

"Take the next flight out to New York City. Meet me at the Avengers Tower."

"Yes sir." I hung up just in time. Tellan and Alex walked out of the house, Alex's parents stood in the doorway as I got out of the truck. "My baby." Tears came to my eyes as I picked my son up, squeezing him tightly in my arms. "I love you, Tellan."

It had been too close to not be emotional. Alex wrapped his arms around both of us, I could hear his off breathing which signaled he was crying as well.

"I love you." I repeated, taking Alex's hand tightly in mine.

"I love you too." Alex whispered.

"Are you two okay?" Tellan asked, tears of his own forming in his blue eyes.

"Yes, sweetheart. We're fine." I nodded, kissing his forehead. "But we're going to take a trip to New York City."

"Okay." Tellan was a smart kid, he knew something was wrong but he didn't question it any further.

"Alex? Jasmine?" Alex's mother, Katherine, looked at me worriedly. "You two better wash up before going to the airport, okay? It would really make me feel better."

"Are you sure?" I asked, picking Tellan up in my arms.

"Of course." Katherine nodded, holding the front door open for us.

"I'll get your bag." Alex kissed my forehead before leaving. I gave Chris, his father, and Katherine a soft, thankful smile as I walked into their home.


Tellan was downstairs with Alex's parents while Alex and I cleaned up.

He closed the door behind him and turned to me, putting the duffle bag down, jeans and a jacket were in his other hand.

"You look worst than me." Alex gently took my face in his hands and tilted my head to examine me.

"I don't think I do."

"Then you haven't looked in a mirror, baby." Alex turned me to face the bathroom mirror.

I gasped, eyes widening. Now I knew why Katherine was looking so worried.

My lip as busted and dried blood was smeared across my cheek, a small trail of blood was coming down my neck from somewhere behind my ear, dirt was smudged and smeared all over my face and my hair was everywhere.

"Alex. Tellan saw me like this." I whispered, looking at my husband through the mirror.

"He's worried about you, but its nothing fatal." Alex kissed my jaw and started to take his shirt off. "We need to take a shower."

"Together?" I asked, blushing slightly when he wiggled his eyebrows and bit his bottom lip.


I was fresh out of the shower, a pair of black leggings and a white long sleeve were on me.

"Tellan? You ready to go?" I asked as I hurried down the stairs, Alex right behind me with a bag of Tellan's clothes.

"Yeah, momma." Tellan nodded and got off of a chair at the table.

"We don't mind keeping Tellan if it's safer, kids." Christopher said. Alex told them that someone broke into our house, he didn't want to frighten them by saying our home was blown up.

"Where we're going, dad, Tellan's going to be as safe as the president." Alex put an arm around my waist as I picked Tellan up.

"You two just be careful." Katherine came over and kissed all three of us on our cheeks. "And call me when you get to wherever you're going, Alex."

"I will, mom." Alex let me go to hug his mother.


"Mommy?" Tellan tugged on my hand, making me turn my head to him. "Can you tell me where we're going?"

Alex and I exchanged looks and he nodded.

"We're gonna go visit Tony at the Tower in New York." I replied. Tellan's face lit up.

"Is everyone gonna be there!"

"I don't know, baby." I ran my fingers through his blonde hair. "Just take a nap and we'll be there soon."

Okay so I am still getting comments on the first book about Harry Styles being in my story.

Those of you who are kind and haven't said rude things about him, thank you so much!! I really do see all those comments and they make me think I should've killed Harry off already.

So should I? Cause I'm perfectly capable of it. HARRY STYLES ISNT A BAD PERSON THE MEDIA ONLY SAYS FUCKING NEGATIVE THINGS ABOUT HIM. Thank you and have a nice day/night.

I'm just reacting the same way any one of you would react if say Robert Downey Jr. or Chris Evans or Jeremy Renner were called mean names. I stand up for those who I look up to and admire.

^^^sorry for my little rant thing. Bad day. But here's your chapter!! Hope you love it!!

Vote and Comment!!

<3 Kacey <3

(I'm dead serious about killing off Harry. Do you want me to?)

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