Chapter 21

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The feeling in my gut that told me something was wrong woke me up. Glancing over to the alarm clock on my side of the bed, I saw that it read 3:26am.

Alex was laying on his stomach with his arm wrapped around me. Two month old Addie was sleeping in her crib in our room at the end of the bed against the wall.

I slipped out from underneath my husband's arm and kissed his cheek before going over to check on Addie. She was sound asleep on her back, little fists curled by her head.

I gently rubbed her tummy and pressed a kiss to my fingertips, then touched my fingers to her forehead.

My feet took me across the hall to Tellan's room. He was sleeping with his head at the foot of the bed and the blankets wrapped all around him. He stirred a little as I brushed his curls back and kissed his forehead.

"Momma?" He mumbled, but didn't open his eyes.

"It's just me, sweet boy." I smiled softly. "Go on back to bed."

Once I was sure he wouldn't wake up, I ventured down the steps and to the kitchen. Nothing seemed out of place in there or in the living room.

But as I passed the large window in the living room, a glare from the moon reflecting off a car in the driveway caught my attention.

Mine and Alex's separate vehicles were parked in the decent sized garage we had. The only one out was the Suburban, our family car.

Who was at my house at 3:30 in the morning?

I went back upstairs and retrieved a gun, but I waited to load it until I got to the living room. I didn't want the noise to wake up Alex.

I opened the front door and tucked the weapon into the back of my shorts. The door clicked shut behind me and I crossed our large wrap around porch as I went towards the stairs.

Rain falling from the sky immediately soaked my hair, long sleeve, and shorts.

The car wasn't parked close to the house. It was at the edge of the woods, where the driveway disappeared into what Tellan called the jungle. It was beautiful in the spring to drive through the woods surrounding our long driveway.

As I approached the car, the door opened. I pulled the gun out but kept it hidden behind me just in case I needed it in a hurry.

Nothing could've prepared me for who stepped out of the car. The gun fell from my hand and I felt my knees go weak.

It was Harry.

"Hello, love." He gave me a dimpled smile and started to take a step towards me, but I stepped back.

This couldn't be happening. It was a bad dream. It had to be a bad dream. He was dead. He wasn't.... Harry wasn't alive.

"No." I whispered. "No. This-This isn't real."

"I can explain everything, Jasmine. I swear—,"

I quickly picked the gun up and clicked the safety off with my thumb.

"Okay. This isn't how I expected you to react." He held his hands up. "Jasmine, it's me. I swear—,"

"Get your ass in that car and leave." I cut him off firmly. His brows came together as he slowly lowered his hands. "I don't want to know. I've finally gotten over you betraying me and dying. I will shoot you if you don't leave right now, Harry."

"Okay. Okay." He nodded his head and turned to leave but then suddenly grabbed my gun.

On instinct, I pulled the trigger and the gun went off. He somehow moved to get his back to my chest and he pulled the gun from my hands.

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