Chapter 17

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"It's been a week, Jazz." Alex rubbed my shoulders, then pressed his lips to my neck after brushing my hair out of the way. "You don't have to go through it."

"But I do."

The wooden, rectangular box with my name scribbled in Harry's rather neat handwriting was sitting on the dresser in my room.

Tellan was off playing with Logan, so that gave me and Alex alone time.

"What could he have possibly put in there for me?"

"It's hard to tell. I could go through it for you." He offered gently. "I don't want you putting anymore stress on yourself or the baby than you already are, Jazz."

"But I have to."

Harry's funeral was yesterday and as much as Alex didn't think I should've gone to it, I did. I gave Tellan the decision to go and he decided to go.

He had told me that even family made bad choices but that doesn't mean we turn our backs on them.

"Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve all this screwed up crap." I muttered under my breath as I gazed blankly at the box.

"What do you mean?" Alex moved to sit beside me on the bed, his forehead resting against the side of my head.

"If there is a God or someone more powerful than us then that means everything happens for a reason..... And I just want to know why it's always me and my family who get picked on like we're the little guys."

Alex was quiet for a while. He moved his head, gentle but rough fingertips brushed my long hair back out of my face.

"Maybe it's cause you're the strongest..... and you make us stronger." He said softly.

I glanced over to him, meeting his icy blue eyes.

"That's not true. You're all strong."

"In our own way, yeah. But with the way you've made us family, the way you brought us together, we're stronger than anything."

"I don't feel strong."

"Jazz." Alex took ahold of my chin and gently made me face him. "We're having a baby, a second one just like we always wanted. You've gotta stop this. Look in the box if it's what you want but Harry wouldn't want you to be all depressed over him. He'd want you to be happy and get over it so that you'd have the baby and the baby would be healthy. So do you want to see what's in the box?"

I nodded my head without hesitation.

"Okay then. Let's look."

"No, Alex." I stopped him, my hand reaching out for his. "Just me, please. I-I'll let you look if I think it's worth it afterwards. But it's gotta be me first."

Alex hesitated, clearly not liking the idea.

"I don't know, Jazz. What if it's something dangerous?"

"Harry would never do anything to hurt Tellan or me." My own words made my heart ache. But they were half true. Harry and never once physically hurt me or Tellan. "You can stand right outside if it makes you feel better."

Alex nodded softly and leaned down to kiss my lips.

"I love you, Jazz."

"Love you more, Alex." I smiled gently and watched as he left.

Once the door clicked shut, my eyes returned to the wooden, rectangular box with my name on it. And I just watched it for a few more minutes. I don't know why I watched it. I don't think I expected it to get up and move.

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