Author's Note #2

212 14 25

*This is important so please PLEASE don't ignore it*

Hey guys!!! How are you? How's life? Is it cold where you are? Cause I've been freezing nonstop and I hate it!!!! But I love it sometimes. It's like a love hate relationship.

So I don't know how some of you are. Some may like me, others may hate me and just love the story. I'm perfectly fine with either of the those choices. It doesn't bother me if you hate me. But I want to get down to business for the ones who are just here for the story.

I've hit a little road block at the moment and I think that the other stories and ideas that I have swarming my brain are to blame for that road block.

I feel as if this story—Jasmine's story is going to turn into one of those stories that just keeps going and going and even though it starts off good, it is no longer good. I don't want that. I want it to finish strong.

With that being said, I'm going to leave it up to you, my amazing and ever so dedicated readers. Seriously, you all are nuts. <kinda kidding.

But back to the seriousness.

Do you want me to bring the story to an end or do you want me to continue? Sure this will have to end sometime and I'm hoping to have it done by June or 2017 if you choose for me to keep going. But if you feel as though this story is going downhill, I will totally understand. Believe me, good shit goes bad sometimes. But I need as many of your opinions as possibly because THEY MATTER. YOU MATTER TO ME. So I will not have any updates for the next 2 weeks unless I can get a lot of opinions by next week.

I will add a little happy holidays thing to this chapter around the 25th but that's it.

Thank you all so much for the commitment and the dedication and everything!! You guys are amazing. I love you so much.

(P.S. Does anyone have a bearded dragon? I want one really bad and just want a little insight on what they're like)

<3 Kacey <3

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