Chapter 5

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It was four in the morning by the time we reached the Tower.

Alex carried Tellan out of the taxi while I carried our few bags.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Summers." Jarvis greeted us. "Mr. Stark has been waiting for you on the Penthouse level. Would you like to go there or would you like me to take you to the X-Men's floor to get some rest?"

"Hi, Jarvis. Umm, can we stop by our floor so I can put Tellan in bed?"

"Of course, ma'am."

"Thanks, Jarvis." I smiled softly.

Alex and I had our own room on the X-Men floor, and of course Tellan had a bed in our room. Alex placed him in the bed and kissed his forehead. I took my turn to tuck him in and kiss his cheek.

"I love you, Tellan." I murmured before we left the room.

I hugged Alex when the elevator doors closed.

"Everything'll be okay, Jazz. I promise." He kissed the top of my head, gently swaying us back and forth until the elevator stopped at the Penthouse level.

The doors opened and I took one step out before stopping.

All of the Avengers, Loki included, were in the living room.

My eyes watered as Natasha looked at me. I hadn't seen her in almost two years, since the wedding actually.

"Natasha." I couldn't help but run and hug her tightly. Then everything sunk in and I realized why we were here. "They destroyed my home, Natasha. They killed Marlee." I sobbed into her neck.

"And we'll make them pay, Jazz." Natasha hushed me, rubbing my back. "Where's my beautiful nephew?"

"Sleeping." Alex replied as he moved to take me out of Nat's hands. I turned and hugged him tightly. I needed to squeeze someone and he loved when I squeezed him.

"So we don't get any hugs?" Tony stood up, throwing his arms into the air. "I've been awake for, like, hours, waiting for you."

"You've actually been awake for two and a half days, sir, working on the Iron Legion." Jarvis said. Tony rolled his eyes and swatted his hand at the air.

"Its good to see you, Tony." I giggled at him and moved to hug him next, then Steve, Bruce, Loki, Thor, and Clint. But I stopped when I saw Wanda and Pietro standing awkwardly off to the side.

I half smiled to Wanda and waved my hand lightly to both of them. Pietro chuckled and shook his head at me while Wanda just smiled.

"You know these two, Jazz?" Alex asked, putting a hand on my hip.

"Yeah." I nodded. "That's Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. They were the only thing close to friends that I had while HYDRA had me."

"You remembered." Wanda said. I nodded, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"We all need some sleep." Steve clapped his hands together once. "Let's hit the hay so we can get up before noon."

"Sounds like a plan." Alex patted my back and started for the elevators.


I woke up to an empty bed. Blindly reaching out to Alex's side, only to find he wasn't there.

"Alex?" I lifted my head up, looking around the room for him. Tellan was no longer in his bed so I assumed Alex had him.

I quickly got dressed, wanting to go spend time with my family.

I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a simple white t-shirt. My second phone was tucked into my back pocket in case I needed it. I braided my blonde hair to the side as I walked to the elevator.

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