Chapter 13

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The Helicarrier was currently settled on the ocean, so I had Tellan out on the loading dock, watching the dolphins jump out of the water.

It's been about a week since Fury told me that there was a HYDRA sleeper in either the Avengers or X-Men.

I haven't been able to sleep knowing someone I loved dearly was a traitor and nearly got Alex killed.

Alex still as yet to remember anything, but Scott's been with him a lot. I figured that they were brothers and things would be less awkward than if I were the one to tell him things and memories and such.

I kept my distance from him and he did the same to me. I didn't want to cry so much, but I just missed him. I could trust my Alex with what Fury told me, but now I can't tell anyone.

"Mommy? What are you thinking about?" Tellan asked, looking up at me.

"A lot." I gave him a soft smile and knelt down on my knees in front of him.

"Like what?" His head turned to the side, blonde curls covering his eyes a little more than usual.

"Like how much I'm loving your curls." I giggled lightly and brushed the curls out of his blue eyes. Ever since he was born, one of his eyes was always a darker blue than the other, and I loved it.

"They're like your's." Tellan ran his hand over my blonde hair.

"Yeah. I bet you daddy would have curls too if his hair was long."

"Like Uncle Harry's hair?"

"Yeah." I laughed, nodding my head.

I found myself just looking at my baby boy's face. He looked so much like Alex.

"Mommy! Why're you staring at me?" Tellan giggled.

"Because you remind me so much of daddy." I pulled him down in to my lap and situated myself so I was looking out over the ocean.

Tell an was lightly kicking his feet over the edge of the Helicarrier, giggling when the waves would wash up against the Carrier and get his feet a little wet.

I could hear someone walking towards us. I could tell it wasn't an agent and from the way the steps sounded, it was Alex.

Alex sat down beside me and Tellan, giving me a light smile.

"Hi, daddy!" Tellan climbed out of my lap and scrambled to get to Alex's lap.

"Hey, little man." Ale seemed happier than he had been recently. He gave Tellan a kiss on the temple and ruffled his curls. "Uncle Scotty's just over by that door. Why don't you go talk to him so I can talk to your mommy?"

"Okay, daddy. I love you, mommy and daddy." Tellan gave us both kisses and then ran off to Scott, who stood in one of the entrances to the Helicarrier.

I giggled a little as Tellan launched himself at Scott, who just barely had time to react.

"I remembered something today, Jasmine." Alex spoke, eyes finding the vast ocean. "I remember when Tellan was born..... The Carrier was being attacked and I-I was so scared.... scared of losing you and the baby."

My fingers found Alex's and I held them tightly.

"We had a miscarriage, about three years ago." I spoke quietly. "I didn't want to tell you about it, but I think it's best if you knew."

"Was it a girl? Or a boy?"

"A boy." My vision blurred at the thought of it. "Tellan was so upset."

Alex squeezed my fingers, which gave me hope that he could still love me.

"I want my ring, Jazz." Alex leaned closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist so that he could pull me close to him. "I want to love you, like I did before."

My heart was racing at his words as he held me close. This was as close as we had been in the past week. And his confidence was coming back.

"Can I kiss you?" Alex asked me as I smiled like an idiot at him.

"Of course."

Alex cupped my face and his thumb gently brushed my cheek bones.

"I missed this side of you." I admitted, my cheeks blazing as I felt his breath fan over my face.

He chuckled a little, and then his lips met mine.

I didn't want to seem too eager, but I really liked when he kissed me.

My arms came up to wrap around his neck and pull him closer.

I suddenly felt his body tense up and he broke the kiss.

"Shit!" He cursed, putting his hand to his forehead.

"Alex? Alex, what's wrong?" I asked him, but he just shook his head.

"My head is killing me."

"Guys!" Harry shouted, speed walking towards me and Alex.

"Harry? What's wrong?" I stood to my feet, watching as Alex stayed on the ground.

"He's starting to get his memories back." Harry pulled Alex to his feet.

"How do you know?" I crinkled my eyebrows.

"I can read minds if I'm close enough to that person. Guess I'm close enough to him." Harry shrugged his shoulders, looking to Alex instead of me.

"Come on, Alex." I helped guide him in to the Carrier.


Later that night, I couldn't sleep much. Alex decided he wanted to sleep in the same room as me and Tellan, so he was currently sleeping in the large bed with our son.

I watched from across the room as they slept so peacefully.

I just had this feeling in my gut that didn't settle too good. Harry had been very short with me today, not talking to me for more than two seconds and not looking me in the eyes.

"Agent Romanoff to Agent Summers, do you copy?" Natasha voice came over the earpiece. There were quite a few dozen agents up, but the comms had been silent otherwise.

"This is Agent Summers, I copy." I spoke quietly, pressing my earbud with my finger.

"Director Fury requests you on the bottom floor."


I gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and then kissed Tellan's forehead, brushing his messy curls back before leaving.


When I got to the fourth floor, which was the farthest floor down, I entered the conference room.

Only Director Fury, Clint, and Nat were in the room.

Fury was leaning on the table with his hands, but when he saw me, he stood up straight and crossed his arms.

"Take a seat please, agent." He nodded to one of the empty chairs.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, looking between the three as I sat down.

Everyone was silent, none of them meeting my gaze after I asked the question.

"What happened?" I immediately thought the worst. "Who got hurt? Is anyone dead—?"

"It's about the HYDRA sleeper agent." Natasha cut me off, raking her fingers through her fiery hair.

As she spoke the name of the traitor, everything stopped.

My stomach clenched up and my throat quickly became dry. I couldn't hear who she said or what any one else was saying, but I read her lips.

My world came crashing down.

Cliff hanger!! I know you hate them but I think you guys know who the traitor is....



<3 Kacey <3

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