Chapter 18

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"I don't like surprises, Natasha." I spoke from the back seat of the SUV she was driving. Clint drove one of our vehicles behind us with our bags in it.

"That's a lie." Alex told me, glancing over to meet my gaze with a little grin on his lips. He turned his head back to look at the rearview mirror, where he could see Natasha's eyes. "But I really don't like surprises so you should tell me what's happening."

"No way, guys."  Natasha shook her head.

"Why can't we see out the windows, Auntie Nat?" Tellan asked.

"So you guys won't see the surprise I have for you." Natasha looked into the rearview mirror with a bright smile on her lips. She was obviously excited about something.

I looked to Alex, who sat to my right. He gave my hand a firm squeeze and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

Tellan sat to my left and he placed a gentle hand on my belly, then began to whisper to the baby inside me.

"I don't know where we're goin, baby, but it's a surprise so Auntie Nat can't tell us."

I giggled gently and combed my fingers through his blonde ringlets.

We spent a few more minutes in the car before it came to a stop. Natasha unbuckled and turned around in her seat so she could face us.

"Now don't worry about anything at all. Everyone put in what they could afford to put this place back together." She unlocked the doors and Tellan opened up his door first. He was anxious to see what the surprise was.

Alex helped me and my eight months and very pregnant self down from the vehicle.

"We all figured you'd need somewhere to raise the little one and finish raising Tellan." Natasha started walking towards the house in front of us.

I swear my heart jumped in to my throat at the sight of our home right in front of my eyes. This house looked exactly like our home that we lost and it was on a lake!

"Natasha." My voice cracked as I gripped Alex's arm. A hand came up to cover my mouth when I found myself unable to find the words to say what I was feeling.

"It's our house!" Tellan jumped up and down in pure, unadulterated excitement.

"Go on and take a look inside, Tellan." Natasha told him, her eyes meeting mine as we stopped at the bottom of the porch steps.

He took off in a sprint up the steps and he disappeared into the house.

"How?" Alex spoke for the first time since we got out of the SUV. His eyes flickered to Natasha, who looked back to the house.

"We're on the other end of Lake Superior." She stuffed her hands into her pockets. "You can't raise a child in a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, guys. You've got to have a home for Tellan and for the baby."

"But who all did this?" Tears blurred my vision as I let Alex go and started to go up the stairs. Alex, however, refused to let me stray too far from him. I had become more clumsy with this pregnancy.

"Stark had a lot to do with it." Natasha followed us up the on to the porch, but I stopped before getting to the front door. "I pulled a few strings and found some offshore accounts I had hidden from certain people..... It was Harry's idea to put you back here on the lake."

My eyes met her's and she gave me a sad smile.

"He knew how much you loved this place. He put as much money as he could into it."

"Natasha." Alex said her name warningly. "She doesn't need that kind of stress."

"It's okay." I assured him.

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