Chapter 23

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"I'm gonna go out today, Alex." I told him as I walked into the kitchen. Addie had just been put down for her nap and Tellan was in the living room.

"Anywhere specific in mind?" Alex shuffled through the mail on the counter, glancing up at me through his blonde hair, which fell into his eyes.

"Not really. Just going to go shopping." I moved to his side and started to lean in to kiss his cheek, but he leaned away. "Alex?" My brows came together as I watched him.

His eyes were now dead set on the envelopes of mail in his hands. He was worried about something. The crease between his brows was prominent and he was avoiding my gaze.


"Are you cheating on me?" He cut me in off, speaking in his low, deep voice.

"What? Alex—!"

"Be quiet." He spoke quietly, nodding to the living room. Tellan was laying across the couch, watching tv.

"Why would you think that?" I was confused and a little mad. Why would he ever expect me of cheating on him?

"For the past week, you've been leaving when Addie would lay down for naps and I.... I don't know." Alex shrugged his shoulders.

I used my hand to turn his head so he had no choice but to look at me.

"I would never, ever cheat on you, Alex." I told him solemnly. "I love you. Just you. Nobody else is worth my time." I leaned up and was able to actually kiss his cheek this time.

"Then what are you doing when you go out?" He turned to face me, leaning against the counter as he held one of my hands.

"Alex, I can't tell you."

"Then why should I..... why should I believe you when you say you'd never cheat on me?"

I took a step away from him, upset with his question.

"You don't need to know everything to trust me, Alex."

"My wife shouldn't be leaving every day of the week. I would understand if you had girlfriends around here or something but you only talk to Natasha or Jean and they've been busy."

"I've never given you a reason not to trust me, Alex. I don't lie to those I love." I spoke calmly, keeping my eyes on his. "I've been working as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Natasha's hanging out around here and I meet up with her everyday to go through—,"

"I thought we went over this, Jasmine!" Alex raised his voice at me, catching Tellan's attention.

"Daddy? Mommy?" He sat up and looked towards the kitchen. I gave him a soft smile and waved gently.

"Hey, baby boy. Mommy's going to go to town. You wanna go with her?" I moved to the living room, ignoring Alex as he tried to reach out for me.


"Then go upstairs and get dressed. I'll wait for you right here."

Tellan ran up the stairs and disappeared.


I spun around to face Alex and pointed my index finger in his face.

"Don't you ever, ever raise your voice at me in front of my kids." I growled at him. "You should trust me and our marriage. Now I am going to give you time to cool off and I'm going to go out and do what I do with Natasha. She will keep me safe and she won't let anything happen to me."

Tellan came running down the stairs moments later with his jacket.

"Bye, daddy! Love you!" Tellan blew him kisses as he followed me to the door.

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