Chapter 15

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"I'm a terrible mother." I cried, keeping my head in the pillows.

"No you aren't." Alex ran his hand up and down my back, trying to get me to stop crying.

"Yes I am!" I shouted. "I made Tellan go see Harry. I wanted Harry to feel like I do. I used Tellan for revenge—,"

"We all want Harry to feel the way he made us feel, Jazz." Alex cut me off, brushing strands of my hair back as I leaked out from underneath my arm. "But you don't need to blame yourself for it."

"But it was me!"

"Jasmine." Alex turned me over and made me sit up. "Stop, okay? I love you so much more than I'll ever be able to say, but you need to stop crying, okay? You've been crying for the past three hours—,"

I felt my stomach suddenly hurl.

I jumped up and pushed Alex out of my way before running to the bathroom.

Just after I flushed the toilet, gentle fingers were raking through my hair to pull the messy curls back.

Alex tied my hair in a low ponytail and knelt down beside me on the floor.

"See, baby. You've gotta calm down."

"I hate this." I closed the toilet lid and put my forehead against it. "I'm feeling sick."

"You've been feeling that way for a while. Maybe we should have Banner check up on you."

"I'm fine." I shook my head. We both were quiet for a moment before I spoke. "He bombed our house, Alex." I whispered. "He could've killed us."

"Don't linger on it, Jazz. It's killing me too to know that we trusted him, we let him be part of our family. But that just means we can't trust anyone else. No new people get to come in." Alex murmured into my ear, brushing his nose against my cheek. "Come on, baby. Tellan's waiting for us in the training room with everyone else."

"I know." I groaned out and pushed myself to my feet with some help from Alex.


"Mommy!" Tellan cheered as I walked into the training room.

"Hey, baby boy!" I smiled at his happiness. The following days after telling him, Tellan hadn't smiled or done much.

"Auntie Nat just pinned Uncle Clint and Tony!"

"Tony got into the ring?" I raised my brows at him.

"It was to make your little monster happy." Tony was rubbing his head as he passed me.

"Come on, Jazz!" Bobby shouted. "You and Alex get in there!"

My eyes met Alex's blue ones.

"You up for it?"

"Of course." Alex did his beautiful smirk and went for the middle of the room.

I was about to but someone grabbed my arm and stopped me.

I turned to see it was Logan.

"Logan? What's wrong?" I crinkled my brows as I looked down to his hand that held my bicep.

"I don't think you should do that, Jazz." He said, eyes flickering from mine to Alex.

"Why? Me and Alex practice all the time."

"Jasmine, you.... your pregnant." Logan whispered, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"What." I looked back to Alex for a moment, letting Logan's words sink in before I looked back to him. "How do you....?" I trailed off.

"Weird animal thing. I'm sorry, it's not in my place to tell you. Just don't want the baby getting hurt."

"What's up, Jazz?" Alex asked me from the middle of the room.

"I have to run to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I gave Alex a smile before running out of the room.

Luckily, with Alex and I trying to have another baby before he lost his memory, I had plenty of pregnancy tests on hand.

I took three just to make sure, and they all read yes!

"Oh my God!" I screamed, jumping up and down as I looked at all three of the pregnancy tests strung out across the bathroom counter. "Alex!"

I immediately ran back to the training room.

Throwing the door open made a loud noise that caused everyone to stop what they were doing.

My eyes found Alex, who had been sparring with Peter.

"I'm pregnant!" I exclaimed.

The entire room fell silent.

Alex was quickly crossing the room and picking me up as fast as he could.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers finding their way to his hair as our lips crashed together.

"Finally." He breathed against my lips, one hand rubbing up and down my back.

I didn't even realize I was crying until he brushed them away and placed me back on my feet.

"Thank you." I whispered to him, holding the back of his hand that cupped my face. "Thank you."

"Mommy's havin a baby!" Tellan screamed with joy, jumping up and down at Natasha's side.

When Alex let me go, I bent down and held my arms out for Tellan.

He ran to me but just before he could run into me, he stopped and gently wrapped his arms around me.

"Can I name the baby, mommy?" Tellan whispered in my ear like it was a secret.

"We'll talk about it later, baby." I smiled through the tears and ran my fingers through his blonde curls as I kissed his brow.

Alex was being congratulated while I hugged my boy.

"My turn, Tellan." Natasha told him, tickling his sides as she knelt down behind him.

"I'm gonna be a brudder!" Tellan happily clapped his hands as he let me go.

I watched as he went over to Scott and Jean, who stood off to the side of the room.

"Auntie Jean! Uncle Scotty! Mommy's having a baby!"

"Congratulations, Jazz." Natasha brought my attention back to her.

We both stood up and then she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry." I told her, squeezing Natasha tightly.

"Sorry for what?" Natasha let me go so she could look into my eyes.

"It's just.... you can't have kids and you deserve the happiness." I frowned, looking over to Tellan, who was talking with Scott and Jean still.

"Jazz, it's perfectly fine. I'm okay with it." Natasha reassured me, making me look into her eyes. "I couldn't handle children anyways. I just want to be able to spoil the baby and then give it back to you. Now go to your husband and enjoy the attention." Natasha pushed me a little into the direction of Alex.

I smiled as I approached him and let him wrap his arms around me.

Everyone was congratulating us and telling us how happy they were for us.

I was so excited!

Hey guys!!

Thank you all so so much!! I love you all and there's no words to describe how grateful I am for you!!

Happy Fourth of July Americans!!

So I've found out recently that I suck at imagines and that book is just being trashed. So please just don't even waste your time to look at it.

Instead! Check out my Clint Barton fic called Magic and Desire!!

Bye guys! Love you!

Vote and Comment!!

<3 Kacey <3

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