Chapter 19

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I wanted to have a house warming party with all the Avengers and the X-Men, but they were all busy. Natasha and Clint were on missions in Africa, Steve, dad, and Sam were somewhere in Serbia trying to hunt down someone who knew something about dad, Bruce was doing some kind of lecture thing at a couple of colleges the New England area, Thor and Loki were still on Asgard, and Tony wasn't calling me back.

As for the X-Men, they had schooling and stuff going on at the school. I hated it.

So I just sat at the table on the back porch and listen to the waves of the lake, wallowing in my own pity that I couldn't have what I wanted.

Tellan and Alex were watching tv inside. I had been invited to join them, but I wanted them to bond together for right now because once the baby came, I knew Alex would be busy with the baby.

I had been hurting in my lower back since two days ago, when Natasha brought us to the house. But every once in a while, my lower back would burn and ache worst than before and I'd have to take a deep breath.

I stood up and began to leave the back porch, one hand holding my belly while the other held against the glass sliding door as I stepped through.

"Tellan's down for a nap." Alex yawned out as he came into the kitchen.

"A nap sounds great. I didn't sleep at all last night." I went over to the fridge and pulled out the carton of orange juice.

"I noticed you were tossing and turning a lot." Alex moved to stand behind me while I poured myself a glass of the delicious  juice. His hands started on my hips and then moved down and around my swollen belly. "Bad dream?"

"No." I shook my head gently as I took a sip of my drink.

"Didn't think so. You usually mumble a lot when you have bad dreams. Sometimes you even yell out." He rested his chin on my shoulder. "So where were you hurting?"

"My back and my head. But my head's just hurting because of all the clouds and the rain probably." My throat was also sore but I didn't think he needed to know that.

"Do you think something else is wrong?"

"No." I put the glass down and turned in his arms. Alex stepped back to give me enough room to make a full turn around with my wide belly. "Just false contractions. Nothing you need to worry about." I gave him a soft smile.

He wasn't convinced, but he pressed a little kiss to my cheek.

"I love you."

Just as I was about to speak, the front of my lower stomach tightened and I kind of had to bend over with the pain.

I let out few quick breaths and gripped Alex's arm tightly.

"Jasmine?" He said my name, concerned with my wellbeing.

"Okay, I-I just need to count them, Alex." That one was close to my last contraction and stronger, so now I just needed to count. "I need to sit down, Alex."

"Okay. Okay." He nodded his head and helped guide me over to the table. Alex sat beside me, both hands holding mine as he watched me closely. "Do you need anything?"

I gritted my teeth together as another contraction came to me.

"Call Natasha and tell her it's happening. I'm going in to labor."

"Shit! Okay! Got it!" Alex nodded and jumped to his feet. "Do you want me to wake up Tellan?"

"Not yet." I shook my head, then listened as he ran up the stairs.

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