Chapter 27

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Alex had been moving around restlessly in his sleep for the past two hours, moving nonstop and mumbling incoherent words under his breath. His brows were knit together and his whole body felt tense under my gentle touch as I ran my right hand from his wrist up his bicep.

"Alex? Baby?" I kissed his cheek. "Is everything okay?"

He flinched when I touched his cheek with my hand and his eyes slowly opened, but I could see the panic rise as he watched me.

"Where are they?"

"Who, Ale—?"

I didn't get to finish because he was pushing me off of him and getting out of bed, moving towards Addie, who was closest to us.

"Alex, you're scaring me." I sat up and watched as he leaned over the railing of her bed and caressed her tiny cheek.

"I love you, baby girl." His words were whispered to our daughter before he moved to Tellan and got down on his knees beside Tellan's bed.

Alex pressed a kiss to the back of Tellan's head, then gently ran his fingers through Tellan's blonde hair.

"I love you, little man." Alex put his head down behind Tellan's shoulders.

I got out of bed and moved to kneel down beside my husband, who was clearly stressing out about something.

I reached out and ran my hand over his bare back, feeling the tensed muscles as he shifted a little.

"They're safe, Alex. They're always safe." I murmured, then kissed the side of his head. "Come on back to bed, sweetheart. It's only eleven."

Alex nodded his head and pushed himself to his feet. I guided him back to our bed and pulled the comforter up around us.

"Are you okay?" I ran my fingers up and down his chest, watching as he took steady breaths to try to calm his rapidly beating heart.

"Bad dream." That was all he said. But I didn't need to hear anything else. I understood completely.


"Jasmine? Hey, Jazz?"

I could feel Alex gently shaking my shoulder in an attempt to get me to wake up.

"Hmmm?" I moaned out, gripping the comforter and pulled it closer to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm.... I'm okay. Fury just called you. I answered though."

Hearing that got my attention and I sat up, but then leaned against Alex's body.

"M'tired." I mumbled into his chest. "What did he want?"

Alex's hand found my back and he began to rub up and down, fingers gently massaging my back.

"Styles wants to see you before he gets locked up for a while." Alex whispered into my ear. He clearly didn't like the sound of that.

"Fury would allow it?" I lifted my head up, eyes gliding across the room to my son, who was sleeping in his own bed on the opposite side of the room.

"He said that Styles cooperated a lot, but only because he requested to see you once more before...." Alex trailed off.

"I don't want to go see him."

"Yes you." Alex brushed a few pieces of wavy hair back out of my eyes. My gaze met his and he pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. "We'll head out in the morning, me, you, and the kids."

"Our kids." I smiled softly at the words and tucked my face into the crook of his neck. "Our babies."

"Always." Alex pulled me back down to lay in the bed.

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