Chapter 31

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As I finished 'Where The Wild Things Are', I reached over to put the book on the stand beside the bed.

Addie and Tellan were both fast asleep. Tellan was laying against me and I held Addie in my lap.

It was early in the night, maybe around 8:30.

I smiled softly at the sight of my baby girl in my arms. I gently brushed my fingertips over her cheek. She was growing fast.

Tellan stirred a little next to me. His cheek was smushed up against my arm, causing him to make this cute little snoring noise.

The door to the room opened, shedding light across the dark area. I shifted a little in my spot as I saw Alex close the door behind him.

"Do you want me to take Addie—,"

"No." I cut him off, the word came out a little harsher than what I intended.

"Okay." Alex nodded his head lightly. "What about Tellan?"

I shook my head, letting go of Addie with one arm to wrap it protectively around Tellan.

It wasn't that I was scared that Alex would hurt Tellan, I didn't really know what was making me act like this. But for the past week, I had been snappy with Alex and a little more possessive with my kids.

"We need to get to bed, sweetheart." Alex climbed in to bed on the other side of Tellan. "Fury's talking about us taking one of the safe-houses of Romanoff's in Washington or Oregon."

"I'll got to sleep in a few." I spoke quietly.

Nearly fifteen minutes passed before I decided I should lay Addie in her bed at least.

"I'll move Tellan for you." Alex started to get up to pick up Tellan but I stopped him.

"I've got it." I slipped my hands under my son's arms and lifted him up. He immediately clung to my torso like a monkey and put his head on my neck.

"Love you, mommy." He mumbled, one fist coming up to rub his eyes.

"I love you too, Tellan." I kissed his cheek as I put him down in bed.

Laying down in my bed with Alex was a little.... I don't even know how to explain it. I didn't try to cuddle with him like I usually did. It had made me mad that he threatened to take away my children.

I had my back to him and my eyes closed when a hand found my hip.

"What did I do, Jazz?" Alex whispered, not wanting to wake the two kids.

"Not now, Alex."

"You've been saying that for the past four nights. Baby, you're mad at something."

I stayed silent.

The blanket was suddenly ripped off of me and I gasped at the cold air that suddenly hitting me.

"Alex!" I hissed his name and smacked his arm.

"Talk to me and I'll give you the blanket back." He teased with a little grin.

I locked my jaw for a moment and sighed out.

"I don't want to talk tonight, Alex."

"Why? What's it about?"

"Us. Me and the kids. That sort of thing." I turned my back to him again as I lay back down.

This time, Alex was silent. I felt the bed move around under his weight and then his body was pressed to mine. He was spooning me.

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