chapter 5

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39 reads woot!! lmoa. thank you guys for your sapport please comment i need the constructive critisizem (sry bout spling again) and also tell me what you think should happen next!:) love you guyses :) thanks again:)

I walked into the kitchen hesatently to see flower every wher, yet no pancakes, and oddly enofe no one else... I turned to cobord to get some Captin Crunch. Once I opend the door I screamed and jumped back to see Ace standing there ready to fling batter at who ever dared to enter.

"Shhhh!" I closed the door hesatently and was afraid to walk around and look in any other door or anything. I turned around to see the door to the closet open and then close at the sight of the cabents under the counter opening. How the hell do they fit down there?

I scrached my head confused and then walked into the hall way where yet another person cought me off gard. "Holy shit!!!" I screamed but then ended up having flower hit my face and danced around my head falling to the ground.

"Shut up will ya?" Hunter wispered and then looked into the kitchen, winked, and then screamed a war cry throwing flour into the air. I started to walk away but then turned around thinking about all the stuff I could do to them. I opened the shutterd doors I used to exsit the kitchen and dagged larg chunks of flying pancake mix making my way over to the cabent where I took out chocolate chips. I reached into the bag and though it at Ace who was standing right infront of me.

He rubbed the back of his head and then looked back at me flinging a glob of mix at me. It hit me smack in the face. I opened my mouth in shock, "Your own sister?" I aid in a sarcastic shock voice.

"Your own brother!?" He mimicked I took another hand full of chocolate chips and chucked it at his face, "Ow my eye! You traitor!" He screamed and then ran into the cobord leaving me and Peter the only ones left to find a hiding spot.

"Hello Peter, so we meet again." I said in a deep mestirious voice then flung a fist full of chocolate chips at him. He moved to the side but then was hit in the back of the head by a squrt of mapel syrup by Ryan. Peter instently turned around and gave him a hand full scrambled eggs.

Really thats the only thing they were able to make and now they are throwing it every where?

My ears perked up at the sound of big foot steps coming down the stairs. Thats when I relized how much the kitchen looked like a mess. I dropped the chocolate chip bag and ran into the hall way and over tot he stairs. There is a nook where I can hide and watch people come down. When my dad disapeared around the corner I quietly ran up the stairs into my room.

As I opend up the door I heard my dad, "Ace Roger Garent, why the fuck is the kitchen turned upside down! You are going to be in so much trouble when or if your mom sees this!" Thats what I love about my dad he will normaly let things go but if my mom cetches us then we are completly scued.

I ran into my bathroom quickly turning on the shower. I hated feeling of sticky or dirty feeling exspeshaly in my hair. Although the wierd thing is I love getting down and dirty, I just hate the feeling.

After my shower i went down stairs and saw that all the boys were almost done cleaning and ce was just finnishing up the pancakes.

"Wow I see some people have been hard at work this morning."

"Thanks for a hit and run by the way. Bitch." Peter glared.

"Haha no problume bro!" I grinned as I sat down and watched them scrub the last of the floor.

"Pancakes are done, get them your self guys."

 I sat down with my steaming plate of pancakes just as my mom walked in. "Wow did you guys clean or somthing this place looks better then how I left it last night!" My mom as you can tell was impress with the look but then looked over at me, "I bet you didnt do anything to help did you Ivy?"

I sighed as the other guys smerked. "I helped make the mess." I offered and she rolled her eyes and walked over to the pot of coffie. "Why make this a mellow mood mom?" I asked witch got me nothing but a little laugh.

She walked pass me on her way out the door but showed down a little and faced me with a scrunch of nose. "Ivy why do you smell different?" She asked. I froze and looked at Ace who has done the same as me.

"New soap?" I offered. She walked closer to inspect me.

"Ace what did you do to her?"

"Mom I swear I didnt mean to..." He spat out sighlent. She narrowed her eyes in descuse then walked out.

"Ha ha some ones in trouble." I teased then he through a piece of bacon at me. "Ay, this is a perfect piece of bacon!" I lectured him as I stuffed it into my mouth.

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