chapter 6

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About halfway through the day we were all hanging out side on the trampoline. Ryan is a freakin monkey, he is constently doing flips, side, back, forward, he was crazy. I flopped down so I was sitting in between Ace and Peter, I flipped around so my legs we across ace and my head was resting on Peters legs. "You have really boney ass legs." I said trying to my my self confrible but was then flipped off by both of them and I rolled into the middle of the trampoline.

I looked up to see Ryan who just landed nearly 5 inches away from my head. "Hey hows the weather down there? Is it nice being shorted then me for once?" He laughed but then faded when I responded back with a, "Yeah but I can see right up your shorts."

He jumped back tripping over Hunter, "Watch were you are going dude!" Hunter said as he looked down at his shirt where he just spilt he new bottle of Coke.

Ryan was nearly 5 inches shorter then me, me being 5'9". He was still saying that he was going to hit a groth spert some time soon but we were all 16 and Ace, Hunter and Peter have already started theirs and is almost done within the next year or two. Hunter was bout 2 to 3 inches shorter then me, Peter was about 2 inches taller then me and Ace was a 1/4 inch taller.

I rolled back over to the side away from the rest of them so I wouldnt be hit by a flying acrobat or pushed around by 3 jerks. I know I call them a lot of names but I love my band, I dont know what I would be without them.

"Awh why are you so far away, we just all want to coudle with you!" Ace coed and the other two joined in. I shot daggers at them and then looked away so they couldnt see my smile. Within 30 seconds I felt my side lower as all three came closer to me.

"Ew, do I know you guys? I think I went home with the wrong band last night." I sourly teased. Hunter was right next me on my right and Peter on my left and Ace on the other side of Peter.

"Squish her!" I heard Ryan cheer as he fell from his flip. Suddenly preshure from both sides came and the were pushed all ther wieght into me.

"You are a douchbag Ryan!" I said as I tried to wiggle my way out of the tight grasp they all but on me.

"Oh come on you know you love us!" Hunter said from beside me.

"No, exspeshaly not you, I hate all you guys Im sideing with the guy I nudered yestorday!" I felt a slight punch on my left sholder, "Wow I would hit you for punching my brouse but noooo I had to become a dog that heals exstra fast." I saw Ryan smerk from the corner of my eye but was destracted by Peter and Ace as they both let out a small growle.

"We arnt dogs stupid, its called werewolfs."

"Once again, yeah, yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes then a question popped into my head.

'Can you... change or whatever you wanna call it?" I hesatently said, the only face that looked at me wierd was Ryan.

"Are you even a wolf??" I spat at him sounding a little meaner then I was ment to.

"Whoa watch the attitde," he smerked "Nah I'm not but I found out when Ace got really mad at some other wolf who then they both change and thought." He said as if it wasnt a big deal. I look over to the side of the trampolin where I found a huge ass wolf prawling the ground slowly.

"Whoa..." I said under my breath. My brother looked big and grace full, unreal and nothiong like him self. He had charcoal black fur with big green eyes. He turned to face me and I must have looked star struck or something cause he smiled then said, in our mind links, 'Ha ha like? How bout you do it?' 

Without replying I stood up and got off the trampoline. 'Uhm.. how do I do it?" I asked. I saw Peter chuckle from the conter of my eye and Ace shake his head and what seemed to be a grinning. 'I dont know just find your calm place then relax and tell your self to 'turn'.' He said, like as if that was a big help.

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