chapter 25

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hey guys, hope you like this one. I got the idea for my last chapter when I was hanging on the beach in Old Saybrook climping on the jettes with my friend alissa and sister bryanna! :) :) hope you like, remember to give me your feed back, it would be appreciated :) keep rawkin onnn

I jumped down from the rock landing on the sand that instantly clung to my wet feet and back of my leg. Ace was fallowing nagging me to not do nothing back, which was very unlikely.

"Why is your brother like crying your name and fallowing you?" Peter asked as I walked up to him.

"Don't ask me, all I know is that he's in a whole lot of hell till I'm done with him." I smirked as he rolled his eyes at me.

"What you do?" I was cut short of my response when Ryan and Hunter came running up behind Peter.

"That was one hell of a fall, your feet just flue right out from under you, funny shit! Ryan and I were dying for like 2 minutes." Hunter cheered as he came to a stop in front of me.

"That."  I muttered in responce to Peter as I shot daggers at Hunter.

"Ace dude, your so dead. "Ryan panted almost like he was out of breath.

"Thanks." It was Ace's turn to shoot daggers.

"Dude what's wrong with you?" I asked as he grabbed his stomach for air.

"I was laughing so hard when you fell and I went into a laugh attack then Hunter made me run across the beach to get here."

"His laughing was really annoying." Hunter muttered fallowing his explanation. 

"Well I see how loved I am around here." I commented under my breath rolling my eyes. I started to walk away till I heard someone's voice come from an amplifier folding the whole beach.

"Can the band please come to the stage?" It said and we headed for the stairs leading to the bar area above the beach.

"Whats up?" I said as we entered the stage. The girl turned around. She was short and had light brow hair about mid back length and looked like she spent too much time out in the sun. 

"Hi, I'm Lisa. You guys are Hell's Death?" We nodded and all shook her hand giving her our names and what we play.

"Okay well I'm the bar owner, you guys will be playing from 9pm to 10 or when ever you guys stop, from now till then and after that you guys can just hang on the beach. Sound good?"

"Yup." Ace said and we all nodded along. 

"Alright see you in a couple hours." she smiled and jumped off stage and walked over to an employ.

We all walked down to the beach where we met yet another person, 'Are you guys the band?" She said. She was really pretty and looked like some girl right out of playboy. Making matters worst she kept eye bawling Peter and something inside me made me wanna bite her head off.

Her voice was really annoying too.

"Yeah we are. What's your name?" 

"Sally." Oh there is one more reason.

"Cool, I'm Hunter, that's Ace, Ryan, Peter, and Ivy." 

"Oh cool a girl in a thrash band very original, you play bass?"  I narrowed my eyes at her, something just really erked me about her, her fault not mine.

"Yeah... "I muttered hotly and I felt Ace kick me a little but my eyes didn't peel away from her as Ireturned one back a little harder.

"Ow what was that for?" He nearly screamed and held his leg. Okay maybe it was a little harder then I thought.

"Oh fighting, that's not going to be good for a band that needs to stick together." Okay she just crossed it.

"Shut up." I slered and stormed off.

"Oh did I upset her? I'm sorry."  I heard her yell after me. I wanted to pick up my pace but something told me to hang back a little. I sharpened my tuning, the only upside to being a wolf.

"So Peter," Great, "What do you play in the band?" 

"Drums." He answered plainly. I could tell she was getting a little awkward.

'Miss. Flirt comeing on your guy Ivy.' I heard Ace's voice come into my mind. I spun around to see her getting closer to Peter, making herself 'confrible'.  I marched my but back over to her with my fist clenched at my sides.

Although they didn't stay there for long. My curled hand came up and squared her in the cheek bone closer to her eye. A smile came to my lips as I watched her little hands come up and cover her face.

I looked up to see all the guys laughing none of them trying to help her, same with a couple by standers. Everyone just laughed, I guessed that she had no real friends at this party?

"Already blown through every guy at school Hun? Give a nerd a chance, brighten up his day, well maybe he'll open up your swollen eye." I spat back at her, "Whore."  I turned and started to walk away when I felt her pull on my hair.

Yes pull my hair.

"What!?" I spun around and snapped at her making her flinch. 

"We aern't done here." She tried in her best defence voice. Now there is a huge mob surroundingus, which will be cleared out soon.

"Pussy gonna loose big time." I heard Ran comment. I smiled up at him giving him a 'you got that right' wink.

I punched her right across the face again. Her body moved with is and I kicked the back of her knee in so she was now kneeling.

I slapped her across the face then grabbed her arm, "Lets play a game, yell when it hurts, then you got to say "Hells Death is the best band and Ivy, there bassist is the best in the world. I'm a pussy cat that has 15 STI's." I whispered into her ear, then twisted her arm up.

She screamed at the top of her lungs I did it once more making her scream again then wrapped it around her back pushing it up. I leaned on her back to help on of my hands keep her arm in place and the other hand came up and pushed her face down ready to skim it along the hard sand.

"Say it."  I smiled.

"No." I tightened my grip a little.

"OKAY, OKAY! Hell's Death is the best a-"

"What are you saying I can't hear you?"

"Hell's Death is the band band ever and their bassist Ivy is awesomer then everyone. I'm a pussy and I have 15 STI's!" She nearly yelled. 

"Close enough." I laughed and let go of her pushing her down so her nose hit the sand. Cheers came over the crowd as I got up and brushed off my knees and hands.

I walked my way through the laughing and chattering crowd.

"Oh my god Ivy that was pretty cool." Ryan laughed and Ace agreed.

We walked down the beach a little saying hi to people that came up to us. A feeling soon came over me, not a good one but I pushed it off to the side not letting it worry me, although some where in my mind, it did.

 hey guys, wow i just uploaded the other chapter like 30 minutes ago, but here you go imma work on my other one, i like where this is heading... speakin of that, who else likes this book and thinks I should keep on writing more like a book two one Im done with this one?  idk I think I might. comment or vote if you like reading this guys! thank you soooooo much! love you soooo much!!!!! :) :) 

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