chapter 20

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sorry guys its been a little and I am about ready to shoot myself for being a dumb ass I lost like 4 pages of my chapter! >:( i hate when this happens! sorry once again, i love you guysesthanks for the saport! :)

 Ace and I stepped out of the car in front a 2 storey and very intimidating building. I looked around at it and saw Hunter sitting by the door already playing with his cell phone. "You guys call me when your done, I'll come to pick you guys up. Be safe!" I mom called from behind us, I missed part of it but replayed with,

"Okay love you too see you after bye." And I closed the door. Ace and I walked over to meet Hunter who has now climbed to his feet at the sight of us.

"Peter and Ryan, are almost here." He chirped. I turned so my back was leaning on the bricks and I was looking out at the street. The sun had already went down, with just a few rays slowly vanishing making everyone turn on their lights and the over head street lights flicker on.

The street wasn't that busy, just the occasional car passing by and it seemed like it took 15 minutes for one of then to be Peter's or Ryan's. We waited in silents, which was really unusual for us. Normally we would be getting bitched at to calm down. But not this time, we were all just thinking, and I think its the first time out band has ever been peaceful together.

Once Ryan finaly got here we all walked inside. The place was dark with a couple dim lights. There was records all over the wall with diffrent band names, some I've never heard of that probably came from this record label but also some that were really that recorded a song or two here when they were on the road.

We walked pass an door that had a sign over it that read "ON." It was lit up so I decided to look through the small window. I saw some dudes sitting around a sound board looking at a singer and listening to the headphones covering their ears.

"Come on Ivy." Ace whispered to me pulled me a little so I would keep up the pace with everyone else. We walked down the hall way then down a flight of stairs. The lighting was much brighter and as we walked into a room that looked like it was set up for a business meeting. Mel, the dude that talked to us the night before, saw us as we walked in.

"Hey dudes.. and girl! Glad you can make it!" I frowned when he added the 'and girl' part. Dude is a wide staitment, not just for men, or boy in this matter.

"Have a seat, we will go over a few things." He said nodding his head over to the table. We all walked over and spread our self out. Not one of us sitting next to each other. We just like to take up room.

Mel sat at the head of the table. Ace next to him on the left. "So lets just get this out of the way, you guys are Hell's Death, but whats all your names?" He asked in twining his fingers together.

"I'm Ace."




"Bob." I got everyone to look at me with a puzzled face and I couldn't help but to start cracking up into a sea of laughter.

"And that's Ivy our ignorant basses." Ace muttered.

"Well aren't all basses like that?" Mel laughed to him self.  I frowned at that.

"I'm not like anyone else." I muttered hotly under my breath. Only loud enough for every wolf to hear in the room. Everyone gave me a 'that's so true' face and that lightened my mood a little.

"So you guys know why you are here, and that because you guys have potential. You guys also have school coming up and you guys need to stay focused on both, which my mean you need to be home schooled."

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