chapter 26

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I kicked the sand out in front of me and watched it dance around then disappear into the darkness. It was 8:30 now, we were on in a half an hour and I was ready to break down and start playing.Meeting everyone got me so riled up.

I rubbed my eyes not realizing I was tired. My stomach turned with that feeling again but I pushed it aside, I just needed to keep it aside till I started playing, then my mind would be too worked up to think of anything else.

"Are you okay Ivy?" Peter disturbed my from my thoughts, even though I have no idea what I was thinking of.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little jittery."  He raised an eye brow,

"Okay, what ever you say." 

Finally it was time for us to play. I picked up my bass and turned it on. I tapped the E string a couple times. I heard a couple cheers come from below us and then a couple more when Hunterstrummed his at random, finding a good crunch setting to keep it at.

Once that was set we went went into our first song witch was an original.

 We played for the next hour and it went by really fast. The crowd really liked us too, I even think I saw a smile come to the tramp's face before I got down to my knees and high fived everyone holding out their hands.

"Thank you everyone and have a good night!" The playing came to an end as ace shouted to thecrowd. I walked over to him microphone as he walked away to turn off his amp. 

"You guys were AWESOME!!! Let me hear it from our fans!" Loud screems rawed across the whole beach. I smile creeped across my face.  "Thank you guys have a good night!" I turned and walked over to my amp thinking about how good a night this was. Frankly every night that I have a gig and I can play in front of everyone is a great night. 

It's what I love to do.

 Once we were all packed up we went back down on the beach where we were greeted with a bunch of fans. Most of them were our age, some as young a 13 years old, which I would say good for them. The earlier you start the more of a chance you get.

There was one guy that caught my eye. He was tall, dark swoopy hair (my favorite kind), tan, and he was 'checking me out' I guess you could say. What ever it was I could tell that Peter saw him too and was a little uncomfortable with it. I took advantage of that.

I made my way over to him slowly because I kept getting stopped along the was to say hi to people I've never met but seems to know more bout me then my parents do.

The dude didn't see me making my way tords him because one of his friends came over and started to talk to him.

I waited for an opening in the conversation then tapped on his shoulder. He turned to see me and gave me a small smile.

"So I saw you looking at us, you think we are good?" I ask.

"Yeah, you were pretty awesome your self, not everyday you see a girl in a trash band." He smile grew a little, "Went you the girl that beat up the schools slut earlier?"

"Ahhh see I knew she had a name." He laughed a little,

"That was pretty funny, I thought you were pretty beast.... Do you wanna take a walk with me along the beach." I raised and eyebrow at his offer and looked over my shoulder. Peter seemed like he was about to blow something.

I was going to be totally dead when I got back.

I turned and grinned at him, "Yeah sure."  We started off breaking away from the crowd. 

"So what made you decide you were going to be in a thrash band?" He asked. I sighed 'cause it really is a lame story and seems to be... I don't know like I' m not really into it. Which is totally not true, I'd do anything to stay with the band.

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