Chapter 13

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Come on guys im stumped give me some ideas of what you guys whant to happen next please? I could really use them they would be a big help and greatly aprishiated! love you all enjoy :)<3

I sat on the ground under a blanket as we all watched some randome movie that we pulled off of Hunter's shelf. I started to doze off but jumped to conshusness when I heard a loud bang come from the tv.

I lied down on my back and pulled to covers up over my head. "Awh is someone scared of the movie?" Hunter cooed from behind me.

"Shut up fat ass no one likes you." I groned. All the guys started to chuckel at the comment.

"You wanna go?" he teased and by now everyone was talking and being loud that I awake.

"Bring it." I said as he resoomed watching the tv. He shot me a look like a right now? really? kinda look. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

Is it just me or does every girl that has side bangs or hair that gets in their face a lot have a hair flip, like how guys do? I seem to have one and all the guys make fun of me when I do it, like just know.

"Oh my god I think that was the bast hair flip I have ever seen Ivy!" Ace laughed. All the other guys giggled and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah well I have never head any guy giggle, well exsept you pussy cats." I smerked. That made Hunter finaly stand up. "Thank god Hunter has risen, finaly." I chimed under my breath loud enogh for everyone to here it.

Hunter came after me but I flipped him on to his back when I kicked the back of his knees. I sat down on him and pinned down his sholders.

"Ay! I wasnt ready for that!" Hunter cried as I got up and stuck out my toung at him.

"I am now better then you, you and.." I pointed a finger to Hunter then Peter then puased and smiled at Ace, "And you."

"That was totally unfair you kicked me right in the balls! Now you wont have nices and nefuse!"

"Thats okay I dont like kids." I laughed along with Ryan.

"Your sister totally owns you dude, its not even right." Ryan spat out between laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm still older." Ace muttered witch really didnt help his case.

"Yeah by like 2 minutes!" I hissed back

"And 2 minutes is all it takes to pin you and Hunter down." Peter retorted to Ace. Ace eyes Peter then looked at me.

"I think you two would be a perfect couple." Of course he said that as I was drinking my soda. That cought me way off gard and I started choaking. Hunter who was right next to me started laughing but ended up hit my back really hard and that hurt just a little but it cleared my thought.

All the guys, even Peter, were laughing at my reaction. "You know Ivy, some people would be put down by that reaction." Peter laughed out. Odviosely not him though.

"You a dick Ace." My voice was a little weery as I was still trying to recover. My eyes were wattering and I wiped away the fake tears. I sat down, "How do you know when your mated to someone?" I asked, which didnt help my case ither.

"It just feels right." Ace said plainly. I moned, great that doesnt really narrow it down to anyone in my band. Well exsept Ryan who wasnt really a wolf.

I layed back down and turned over so I didnt have to look at them. Soon I driffted off to sleep.

I awoke in a dark room, nothing made a sound exsept when some one to my right shifted under the blankets.

I got to my feet slowly a felt my way over to the closed door. When I opened it a stream of light rushed into my eyes. I squinted them and held arm up so it blocked my eyes. Once my eyes ajusted to the light  I headed over to the stairs to go up and find a bathroom.

When I opened the door to the kitchen I screamed when I saw Peter on the other side.

"Oh my go you scared the living crap out of me!"

"Yeah I could tell." He laughed a little. Everything fell sighlent, I wanted to ask him a question, like if he thinks we could be mates but he beat me to it,

"So who do you think your mated with?" Most people think this is would be an akward question but I took to it like any normal question.

"I dont know, I've known you guys for like ever, I cant tell who I could be 'most confrible' with." That was a lie, I knew and he knew I knew that it was him. He gave a small smile and knoted.

"Well night Ivy."

"Night." He walked pass me and then I walked into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, the first time sence the morning. Well in the car I did but that was a really small one.

My hair looked untouch by sleep, each layer the same as when I hair sprayed it. But I wasnt looking at that, what most concerned me was my eyes. Both of them were a percing red. Really bright bloody red. I was confused, how the hell did that happen? I remeber back to when it happend, I was mad, like really mad but that honestly made no sence.

I walked back down stairs but when I got to the bottom I walked thro something, nothing was there, but it was something. It sent shivers down my spine, but I ignored it not wanting anything to do with any wolf or supernatral thing.

I went back into my room and layed down. Iwas starteled to see that I couldnt breath all of a sudden. I started to freak out but my lungs just felt more and more compressed. Every thing started to black out and I felt something warm brush agents my lips then I could feel anything. Everything eezed and I felt like I was floating on a cloud, un awear of everything.

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