chapter 28

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 I spun around when I felt Ivy drop from my side. I saw her laying on the ground motionless with a rock next to her head.

"Holy fuck." i looked up to see that Sally girl standing there with a fucking smile spread across her face. Is she like mentally insane or something!? What the hell is the matter with her!?

I looked back down at Ivy I could see that the rock hit her hard and there was now blood seeping from her head. I hope Briten felt that.

"Some one call the fucking cops or someone!" I nearly shouted. No one has yet to notice that Ivy was passed out on the ground. Well I hope passed out.

She didn't seem like she was breathing until I saw small movements of her chest moving up and down. She still had a pulse and now Ace was on the other side of her. 

Sally was still standing there with that insane smirk on her face, "Oh come one she will be okay, lets go play!" she squealed. Okay shes crazy.

I got up to my feet shaking, "I am this close to ripping your fucking head off, she is my girl friend and I will fucking hunt you down and kill you just so she can beat you up in hell!" Even if god was real we all know that Ivy wouldn't be going to heaven.

The smirk fadded fro mthe girls face as I nelt down by Ivy's side. 

"Come on Ivy , wake up please wake up."  Ace was whimpering over and over again trying to get her to regain consciousness.

"The ambulance is on it's way." Hunter said as he shoved his phone into his pocket andnealed down besides me.

I looked up at Ace and I looked into his eyes. I've known Ace all my life. He never doubts things but this time I could tell that he wasn't sure Ivy was going to wake up anytime soon.

To our saprize her eyes started to open. Ace jumped with exsitement and my heart lifted thinking things were going to get better.


"What I'm right here."

"I know where the hell you are." she snarled back. Well she wasn't going to change no matter what we would put her through.  "What happen though? Am I going to be okay?"

"I hope so and that bitch through a rock at you."

"What!" She started to sit up but the fell back to the ground and winced hitting her open wound.

"Just stay down. The ambulance is on its way."

"What! No I'll be fine don't take me to the-" She passed out again from getting too over stimulated.

My heart sank nothing was going to be the same.

"Ivy, Ivy stay with us." Ace nudged her shoulder and held her hand, "Ivy..." I saw a tears come to his eyes.

Ace was never going to be the same.

Soon enough I heard sirens come into ear shot and my heart nearly skipped a beat. She was going to be okay. 

When they got down here they put he on the stretcher and then Ace and I went in the ambulance with Hunter and Ryan fallowing behind. 

 In the ambulance Ivy woke up again but this time was totally out of it. She wanted to talk to Ace.

"I'm sorry Ace. Can you forgive me?"

"Why are you sorry?"

"For being an annoying little sister." she thought she wasn't going to make it.

"Ivy don't you dare fucking say your good byes, you're fucking okay! You are going to make it!" I could hear Ace's voice cracking a little as he held back his tears. He didn't wanna loose his little sister.

Ivy smiled at him, "Keep telling your self that. Peter?"

I got closer to her to hear what she was going to say, "I'm sorry."

"For?" I was confused now.

"'Cause of what I did before and... well I'm just sorry."

"It's okay. If you are really sorry you are going to hold through this and be fine," i got closer to her ear an whispered, "I love you."

She smiled, "Right back at you." Then she passed out again. 


"Why does it have to be her?" I muttered the first words sense we got off the ambulance. Peter, Ryan and Hunter were all sitting with me in the hall out side of where Ivy was going to be taken back after her MRI and her surgery.

"It could have been anyone Ace." Ryan said.

"But it's her."  I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, "She gonna die." I started to sob. I had enoughtrying to hold it back and I couldn't fight it anymore. She was MY sister! No one has the fucking right to take her away from me!

I wiped away a tear from my cheek.

 She can leave me can she?


It was nearly 2 hours later. It felt like 2 years. My mom and dad got here a little while ago and everyone in the band was still here. Including Ivy. We were now aloud to see her but she was still passed out and might be for quite some time.

I walked into the room fallowing everyone else. She looked pale and lost. I could see that my mom was about to cry. I felt really bad. I wish that I was the one that was hit or that, that fucked up bitch missed and didn't hit her.

The doctor walked into the room with a clip board. He didn't seem to have great news.

"Hello. Ivy's parents?" my mom and dad nodded waiting to hear the news, "Well she was hit pretty hard and it fractured the back of her scull with very graphic results. Right now she is in a coma. We don't know how long she will be in it if you keep her on life support. Take her off tonight she will only have about another hour or so before she dies... Keep her on there is a 40% chance she will make a full recovery with no side a fects

"She was hit so it knocked her out, he brain was damaged but her memorie wasnt so she shouldn't have amnisia. But she might have a little trouble with movments. It might take her a while to get back to normal movment and get use to her disbility. I'm sorry."

He walked out of the room leaving us to decide to keep her alive with a no movement for a little or to let her die with in the next hour. 

I hope you guys like. next chapter is going to be the last one then its off to book 2 :)

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