chapter 8

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I sat in my black fuzzy huge ass bean bag chair with my bass across my lap. Ryan plopped back down next to me for we had to share the chair after we were told to stop fighting over it. Every now and again I would move and 'acsadently' hit him with my guitar head.

Peter sat behinde the drum set and Ace sat at his desk in his spinny chair with his 6 string, he had to fix cause of my awesome plane, laying sting down on his legs as he used it as a table top trying to write lyrics for a new song. Hunter sat in a popison that was 3 times the size of him and he was playing random lyks on his guitar trying to find one that would sound best for a chorus.

"Hunter, play in the kye of A and paly..." I pondered my mind for a confrible playing rythem, "4, 5, 6." He looked down at his thret board and looked at me,

"Wouldnt that be the same as our other song called One?"

"No thats 5, 6, 1."

"Oh right, right, right." he started playing a fast steady riff and I added on a fast bass with a steady beat.

"Hunter tune your self to a drop D."  Ace said as he listened to the tune we had just made up. Once he did and we started playing again, Peter added in dubble bass and a rythem on snare and high hat.

The sound started to come together but was still a little ify. I looked at the wall and slowly drifted away from our rythem as I zooned out, wich I have a tendencie of doing.

 I was thinking bout the upcoming days, today was sSunday and we have another gig coming up Friday and Saturday. Then.... school starts Monday...

I have never really noticed how fast summer goes by but I guess it was okay  I liked school, a lot and that mostly because I had the same friends, teachers and school for the past 3 years, and even better everry one in my band goes to the same school.

It was, at frist just Ace and I but we soon got everyone else to join, I think thats what makes us such a great band, is the fact that we all go to an arts high school and we are opened to MANY different exsperienses.

Going into Senoir year I sure as hell didnt act like it, I was way to imachure for my age and my parents offened told me and Ace to think about collage. Sense we hold good grade (if we drop below a 80% we are kicked out) we have been thinking about going to Berkly in Massachusets.

I didnt like the idea of more school right after getting out of 12 years of school but I guess that would be the best idea for me.

"Ivy!"  relized I had driffted off to a faint sleep but Ryan was nearly face-to-face with me screaming my name. I sat up starteld and hit heads with Ryan.

I rubbed my forhead as I slered out a strirng of cus words and shot an evil look at him.

"What the fuck man?" i hissed as all the other guys were holding their stomachs and cracking up.

"Yeah I would say. You have a hard ass head for being full of just hot air." He smerked,  I kicked his shin. I cringed a little but was cut off by hunter,

"Who the hell falls asleep in the middle of band practice? Exspeshaly when we are making up a song."

" Uhh mee?" I offerd in a duh tone.

"You snore." Peter said with a laugh and Ace smerked behind his hand.

"No I dont!" I snapped back at him ready to through something at him. They were all just laughing at me now and I got up to my feet. I walked over held out my hand ready to slap one of them. They Peter and Ace were scared instently and wiped the smerk off their faces.

That sended me into a rolling fit of laughter, "Ahaha you wooses, I'm going to get a soda." I laughed as I walked outta the door into the hall way.

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