chapter 16

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I got 13 stiches in each cut on my arm and 60 stiches in each cut going down my side, all adds up to 172 stiches all together. My arm swelling went down so it only looked like a was hiding a pound of rice under my skin and the storie was, I fell in the woods playing hide and go seek.

We had to exsplain to the wise ass doctor who was in his 30s why kids our age still like to play hide and seek and it really pissed me off, what he think? Every kid that looks goth or punk has to be doing drugs or drunk to get this hurt? Please, thats so over rated, why do that shit to your body when your gonna fuck it up playing hide and go seek?

We drove to Hunter's house after the doctor gave me a lecture about being safe and how lucky I am I didint get a concution or go into a coma, but looking back over the past 2 day I really feel like a coma or concution would not be that bad. Hey even through in amnisiak well your at it great fait of the unknown.

I watched out the window with my arm elavated on my knee in the back seet of the car next to Ryan. I closed my eyes, it was only noon and I was already feeling like I just needed to go to bed. Thats when my phone rang, great here's mom.

"Ace, turn down the radio." I said in a bored tone, he did so and I picked up the phone.


"I just got a call from the hospital, why the hell did you not find it nessasry to calll me whan all of this shit happened?" She screamed, my ear was about ready to fall off. I rolled my eyes and made up an excuse.

"I was just about to call you and I thought Ace was going to call you, its not like I can hold a phone to my ear when my arm is gushing out blood."

"Okay well be more carfull what kinda shit you trying to pull? I know for a fact that you guys wernt playing hind and go seek, you guys dont even get up before 11am anyways. What were you doing?" I desided it wasnt much to hold back, I blered out what happened in a singel breath and then inhaled deeply.

"Okay, well be more carrefull bye." My mom said then quickly hung up the phone... well that was odd. I hung up the phone and put it back in between my strechy short waits band that now had a huge blood stain on one side that started to seep through the rest and drain down my leg.

I leaned my head back ugents the seet and clossed my eyes wishing I had a nice warm shower right now. Ryan nudged me and I rolled my head to the side and opened my eyes dazzely. He gave me a smile and then said, "I think we should do something with you, you know cuz you keep getting hurt."

I smiled but then replied, "Nah, I'm good I can fend for my self."

"Mhm shows where you have gotten with that." I laughed a little. I sighed, I really didnt feel like I was in the mood for this shit with them right now. I closed my eyes and tried to get a little sleep before we all went inside for band practice.

Ace got a call half way through band practice from some randome number, "Hello?" I heard him said, I couldnt make out the guys voice on the other end of the line, or what her was saying but I was hoping we wernt in to much trouble.

I ended out finding out that it was a scout from  a record lable that saw us at our last gig. He asked if we could play at another gig tomorrow night so he could check us out again. This got me exsited even thogh it has happened to us before and probably didnt mean anything but I still got my hopes up.

sorry not my best ending for a chapt, more up soon :)

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