Chapter 1

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Starr's POV

I took off my sweat pants to prepare for the warm-ups.

"Right arm to the left and left arm cross!" I yelled to my teammates. We all did so, and counted.

"1, 2, 3, 4! 1, 2, 3, 4!"

After our warm-ups, we watched as the Cole High School Blue Jays came into our building, wearing matching blue and white sweat suits. The boys and girls put their bags and clothes on the bleachers. I looked all around to see how our competition was looking, but I landed my eyes on this one particular boy.

He was tall, and his waves were on swim. He was light, and he was oh so gorgeous. He had his Beats on as he began taking off his sweat suit to show off his legs and arms, which were filled with tattoos. My jaw slightly dropped. He looked at me, and we just stared at each other.

*snap, snap!*

"HELLO! ARE YOU STILL THERE, BITCH?!" Laila, my bestfriend yelled.

I laughed, "Yes, honey. I am." Laila looked into the direction I was looking, "Uh oh, my bitch got her a crush! Hell naaaaaw!" I turned red of embarrassment, "NO, I DON'T! I was just looking at the competition." Laila laughed, "Mhm, yeah right! I know my bitch like I know the back of my hand!" She says the word "bitch" in every sentence.

I looked at the bleachers in front of me to see my mami and papi being seated, along with my brother Micky Jr., which he likes for us to call him MJ, and the twins. Kaiden, which he likes for us to call him, Kai, wasn't there. So, he was either at his dorm, or out drug dealing.

It doesn't bother me that he drug deals, it's his life. I'm happy for him at anything he does. He's my oldest brother, the first boy I come to love. I just pray to God to keep him safe out there while he's doing his business. And, for him to not bring strangers to my parents house asking for where he's at.

I waved at them, and they waved back and blew kisses. I noticed my mother holding up a sign that said, "Go Falcons! F*** the other school!" I motioned for her to put it down. I laughed to myself, and shook my head. I turned back around once more to see if the mysterious boy was still there. He was gone. I shook my head, and tied my shoe laces. I had to get my head in the game.

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