Chapter 1 (continued)

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Carrick's POV

Me and her stared at each other for what seemed like forever. I looked at her curvaceous figure, and the way her ass fit perfectly in her basketball shorts. She had the body of a goddess, she looked more like a cheerleader than a hooper. She smiled, and I noticed BOTH of her dimples which attracted me to the fullest extent. I smiled back. Her long black, curly hair looked so silky, as well as her skin complexion. I just had to have her.

Her friend, who was dark and much more taller than her, snapped her out of her thoughts, as well as one of my niggas, Dace.

"Nigga, who the fuck you staring at?" Dace asked.

"Nobody." I replied, nonchalantly.

But, Dace knows me too well. He followed my eyes to the mysterious girl who was staring at me just moments ago. "Oh, naw nigga! Don't lie! I see her. She fine as fuck, her friend is too." He replied, smiling hard as hell, and jumping up clapping like a retarted seal. This my man, he funny as fuck.

"Chill the fuck out, you can have homegirl. I want mines." I replied, looking at her, waving at the people in the bleachers in front. From the look of the lady, I believed it was her mama. I don't know what crossed my mind, but I stood up to go say something to her, right before I heard Coach Red call my name.

"CJ!" Coach called.

I walked to the other side of the bleacher where my coach and my other teammates stood. "Sir?" I replied.

"I want you to play good and well on this game. You and the rest of the players. There are scouts out here looking for the next NBA player. You wanna get the hell out this school, don't you?" Coach Red said, smiling.

I laughed and said, "Yes sir, I do." Coach replied, "That's what I thought. Now, you all know the girls play first, so you have 2 hours to chillax. So, get chillaxin' and keep your head focused on the game."

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