Chapter 2

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Starr's POV

I dribbled the ball up to the 3-point line, and I passed the ball to Karra. I hustled to the hoop, and she threw it to me. I dunked the ball with only 2 seconds left on the shot clock. The crowd went roaring, including the Jays side. It was the 4th quarter and only 2 minutes left. The score was now 88-81, with us in the lead. Our Coach Reagen called for a time out.

"Good job, Starr and Karra!" My teammates and Coach Reagen told us. We replied, "Thanks." Coach Reagen said, "Okay, 2 minutes left and the score is reaaal close. You girls know what you gotta do, so I want you to do it!" We all replied, "Yes, ma'am!" She said, "All hands in the middle." We all did as told, and I screamed, "LADY FALCONS ON 3! 1,2,3! LADY FALCONS!" We all replied.

Our time was up and we got back on the court. The other team had the ball, and I crept up behind the point guard and snatched the ball. I was feeling hype. I was feeling on top. I didn't even notice another teammate on the Jays come behind me and snatch the ball back. She ran to the hoop, and made a layup. I ran right after her and grabbed her hair and started throwing punches.

"GET OFF ME! GET THE FUCK OFF ME! CRAZY BITCH!!" She was yelling. I wasn't giving a fuck. I was hitting her, and hitting her, and hitting her until I felt someone pick me off her and sat me down on the bench. I looked up to see who it was .. Coach Reagen and Laila.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN, STARR! WHAT THE HELL! NO MORE PLAY TIME FOR YOU!" Coach Reagen yelled. Laila pushed Coach out of my face and hugged me. "Coach, just chill. Go tend to the other teammates, yo." She said. Coach walked over to the other teammates and huddled them. Laila held onto me while I cried, "Stupid bitch. I coulda had that shot. I'ma kill her after the game."

Laila calmly replied, "No, you're not. Did you take your meds this morning?" I replied, "No .. I didn't think I'll need them." Laila smiled, and took my meds out of her shorts pockets. I gave everyone I was close to a bottle of my meds, just in case I needed them at a time like now. "Here." I took them, and she rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. She passed me a bottle of water and I took my pills. She said, "We're winning this game for you, bitch."

Laila got back on the court, and it was our ball. Me and Coach Reagen stood on the side line, commanding orders. Karra had the ball and saw that Laila was open and on the 3-point line. It was down to 10 seconds. Karra passed the ball to Laila, and she hesitated at first. Me and Coach yelled, at the same time, "SHOOT!" Laila took a step forward and tossed the ball. The ball made a swivel around the hoop .... and LANDED IN!

We all cheered with our victory! I was happy, my teammates were happy, Coach Reagen was happy, even the bitch I whooped smiled when she saw us. We formed a line to slap the other team's hand. When we got to the bitch, I said, "I'm sorry." She replied, "It's cool, All-Star. I like how you keep your head in the game." I laughed and continued the line.

I went to my family, who scolded at me, then congradulated me. "That's why I told yo ass to take yo medicine." MJ, my brother, said. "Fuck you." I said, as I mushed his head. I stayed with my family to watch the boys play, because my cousin was playing.

The Cole Jays came out .. and let's just say my heart fluttered.

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