|Chapter Two|

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SasuNaru - 13 Days

Chapter Two



'You should go'

Naruto threw his head back against the couch, munching on his cheese and onion crisps. He whined in his head which was also unfortunately heard by Kyuubi. 'I already said I don't wanna go!' He threw in a other few crisps into his mouth, munching on them.

Naruto was currently sulking. Kyuubi told him about a new Fun Fair that arrived in this area and was already set up, new rides this time compared to last year, but Naruto didn't want to go, lying all day, munching on some junk food and watching a somewhat interesting TV program sounded better to him.

Kyuubi rolled his eyes in pure annoyance, oh why did this give this useless child another 13 days to live if he was just going to sit on his ass and munch on crisps all day?

'Brat..' Kyuubi warned, 'I am telling you to go'

'And I am trying to tell you that I don't want to go' Naruto replied, stubborn about this decision. He grabbed the remote on his empty coffee table and turned the TV on, leaving on some random channel on low volume for a background noise while going on his phone.

'I'll let you have ramen again..' Naruto's ears instantly perked up at the sound of his favourite food being called out. He paused for a moment, biting his inner lip, not sure what to pick now.

Kyuubi smirked in victory, knowing he'd won without Naruto even giving his final answer. Before, Naruto ate so much ramen that he was starting to damage his health, Kyuubi had warned Naruto about it but Naruto didn't pay attention, ignoring his warnings. It got to the point where Kyuubi had to change Naruto's taste buds with ramen within his body so each time Naruto went to grab a bowl of ramen and eat it, he would end up it puking it all out the next minute thanks to Kyuubi changing Naruto's taste on ramen. Kyuubi could freely change his tastes bugs around since he is still a part of Naruto's body.

Naruto's hands turned to fists and he looked down at the wooden floor but couldn't help signing in defeat. It has been weeks since he had tasted his favourite food thanks to Kyuubi, 'Fine, but do you promise?'

Kyuubi rolled his eyes, clawing at the clear water, 'Yes, only for this time only'

'Fine' Naruto sulked, 'But don't blame me when I leave after one ride'

'As long as you go, I don't give a shit' Kyuubi replied, putting his head down to take a quick needed nap. It's been a few hours since he took one and he wanted one now.

Naruto sighed once more, staying on the comfortable couch for a few moments longer, staring up at the plain ceiling. He wanted to keep on lying here like this, but with Kyuubi making that offer, there was no way he could refuse. Naruto huffed, annoyed now and ran his hand through his hair.

A few seconds later, he stood from the couch and went to his bedroom to get ready for the day. He was purposely going to take extra long to get dressed with an extra shower. It was 5:43pm now and the Fun Fair closed at 10pm. He had loads of time to spare. Naruto wondered for a bit. Maybe he could go on one or two rides and go out to get a few things he wanted. He already had lots of money to spare also.

But rapidly, that night came flooding into Naruto's mind and he bit his lip. Just thinking about it sent shivers down his shine. He could still feel that piercing cold water on his skin like needles with his heart sinking from instant lack of air.

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