|Chapter Three|

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SasuNaru - 13 Days

Chapter Three




'I swear to the demons of all mothers, if you don't do something with your life I will personally strangle you with my own tails'

Naruto groaned, throwing the warm sheet of blanket over his head. He closed his eyes, ready to go back to sleep. Having the curtains closed, making the room full of darkness just made him want to sleep more. 'Just shut up! I already went somewhere I didn't want to yesterday! I am staying in this time and you can't stop me!'

Kyuubi sighed and put down his head on his furry orange arms, his ears twitching in annoyment of the brats understandably true statement. What could he say? Kyuubi was bored. Lying in his cage in water watching Naruto lay on his bed was not an interesting sight to look at, unless he'd happen to fall off his bed of course.

It was once again 2pm, Naruto could barley sleep last night out of happiness for meeting his first friend but now, the sleepiness made him look like he forgot everything what happened yesterday. Or did he actually forget? Kyuubi heard Naruto yawn as he tried to go back to sleep. Tried of course.

Kyuubi tapped his long claws on the floor behind him, splashing some water around. Oh how incredibly bored he was. He closed his eyes, going in for another nap, until he heard a frustrated whine and Naruto threw the covers off his body onto the wooden floorboard below. Kyuubi smirked in victory as Naruto muttered curses under his breath for making him wake up and he wasn't able to go back to sleep.

'Finally decided to listen me eh brat?' Kyuubi spoke, smirking more as Naruto growled at him in response.

'Be quiet, I just can't go back to sleep' Naruto sighed deeply and ran a hand through his soft blonde hair, falling back down on the bed on his back. 'That was my plan, to make you stay awake' Kyuubi shrugged as he confessed.

Naruto ignored Kyuubi and opened his blue eyes only to stare up at the boring white ceiling that was dark because of the  closed curtains. "What I am suppose to do?" Naruto muttered softly to himself, "If my routine for these days are just going to be wake up, eat, sleep then why can't I sleep forever?.."

Kyuubi stayed quiet in his cage as Naruto softly talked to himself, until he decided to butt in. 'Do you have such a small brain that you've forgotten about Uchiha? Apparently your first friend'

Naruto's eyes instantly widened and he sat up, a surprised expression on his face, "Oh shit!" Naruto exclaimed into the empty room, "I thought that was a dream!" No wonder Naruto wanted to go back to sleep.

Kyuubi sighed heavy and felt like face palming right there. 'I am surprised that you've forgotten, you were drooling about him in your sleep, muttering happily in words that made no sense'

Naruto's face reddened rapidly and he looked down to the floor, 'H-He's my first friend!' Naruto stuttered even in his thoughts, 'It's not my fault that I was dreaming about him, I was happy!'

Kyuubi rolled his eyes, 'Friends don't have wet dreams about each other Naruto'

Naruto's ears and back of his neck burned in embarrassment, 'It wasn't a wet dream!! I've never had those and I never will! It was an innocent dream of us being friends that had nothing to do with sex' He stood up and walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom as if to finish the small fight he had in his head with his demon.

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