|Chapter Nine|

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SasuNaru - 13 Days

Chapter Nine|


•Day Nine•



"We're here to see Gaara."

It was the next day after taking Gaara back to the orphanage. They had parted with upset looks on their faces but Naruto had promised to visit Gaara every day from then on.

It was freezing cold outside. The winter had really stricken in mid-July. It was a cold sunless morning. The sky was cloudless and pale blue. The frost, which had come over night, had glazed over the roads and paths leaving a twinkling light in its past.

And people slipping all over the place of course.

Sasuke and Naruto huddled close together outside the orphanage, shivering in the cold almost like a penguin couple in the cold Arctic, trying to huddle together to get the heat of each other to keep warm. Both males tried to hold their breath so they wouldn't have to breathe in the inclement air but they ended up coughing a frosty breath every once in a while. The scarfs around their necks didn't do much help.

"Yes. Gaara is here, please come in."

A sudden beep erupted into the air and the old-fashioned front door opened after. Naruto and Sasuke quickly gathered inside and were suddenly hit with a heat wave from the house. Their faces turned reddish after being in the cold for so long and then suddenly getting heat. Naruto closed his eyes deeply and felt like he could melt and sleep here all day while Sasuke quickly closed the front door.

Naruto's eyes opened as he felt a hand take his gloved hand gently and they walked forward towards the woman in the reception, not muttering a word to each together. They were too warm and pleased to talk and actions did speak louder than words.

"You're here to see Gaara?," Her voice was monotone and tired, almost as if she would rather lay her down on the wooden desk and snore off.

And to be honest. She would rather do that then anything right now.

"Yes," Naruto answered.

"Open the door to your right and you'll see him...," She leaned on her bony hand, her fringe falling over her eyes and her eyes started to droop.

Naruto nodded, holding back a laugh with Sasuke also, "Thank you."

They walked towards the only door on the right sided wall off the room and Naruto slowly opened the door entrance, thinking that the room would be empty and quiet in the morning but he was very wrong to say the least.

As the door roomed, shouts of laughter and small screams of joy erupted from the large living room that almost sent Sasuke deaf and Naruto surprised. Both Naruto's and Sasuke's eyes widened as they scanned the happy, active place.

There were children from what seemed to be three years old all the way up to seventeen years of age. Children tiptoeing around the place, playing with toys and catching each other. Another section at the back of the room, quietly huddling up and sharing blankets together on the massive couch as they scaredly watched what seemed to be a horror movie. The others, of course, were sleeping.

"Mister!" Suddenly, a child ran up to Naruto, tugging on his bottom coat. Naruto looked down with surprise to see big golden brown eyes staring up at him and a huge smile on her smile. "Are you here to take me away!?"

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