|Chapter Eleven|

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fucking hell its been months

so ill try finish this story as soon as possible, there's 3 chapters left so be ready.


SasuNaru - 13 Days

Chapter Eleven|


•Day Eleven•


He read out the story, quietly, carefully, the words dripping from his mouth like lace and Gaara had the pleasure of listening to it.

"what happened next?" his lips turned into a smile, his hands clinging onto the pillow as he let his imagination run a couple miles wild. His eyes stared at the ceiling, clouded as he thought about what happened to the boy next.

Naruto hushed him, slowly placing a slender finger to his soft lips. "be patient Gaara, I am still reading on," he scolded, flicking the page to the next chapter. He shifted to fold his legs as he sat on the wooden chair, it was uncomfortable but he wasn't going to sit on the hard rock floor and he wanted to give space to Gaara who laid on the bed.

Gaara grumbled to himself, not liking it when he was told off but kept quiet anyway, his imagination building up inside him. He just wanted Naruto to continue talking, it was so interesting, he needed to know what happened next.

"so where was I-? oh yes I remember....," Naruto flicked his tongue to lick his dry lips, and then continued reading,

"Peter was suddenly woken by a very loud noise. The boy sat up quietly, looking around him. Where was he!? How he'd get here!? He got up quickly, his eyes searching around him. He was in a man-made tent, trees branches above and sticks to make the body of the tent. This wasn't the park!? Mom?! Dad!? Peter eyes were sharp and instantly saw a letter on the ground. With caution, Peter picked it up and what it said made his hands shake-"

"tell me more!" Gaara interrupted the story in excitement but only got a loud hush in reply.

"it said....." Naruto continued.

'at the last moment of your breath, we heard your wish. your wish of never wanting to grow up. welcome Peter Pan.... welcome to neverland-!' ---

"anddddd that's the end of the chapter,"--Naruto finished off.

"ughh-" Gaara whined bitterly. he twirled around just in time to see Naruto fold the corner of the book and close it shut on his lap. "why can't you continue for just a lil bit longer-?" he sulked, sinking his face into the pillow, watching as Naruto sat up to stretch his stiff body, his eyes drifting slightly to the skin that was exposed when his shirt went up.

"sorry Gaara, you know I have to meet up with Sasuke to go shopping today," Naruto said, looking at Gaara to see his face now drown into the pillow in sadness and irritation. Naruto knew Gaara didn't like Sasuke, just mention of his name got Gaara visibly annoyed. Naruto thought it was because of how he treated him after the whole lake incident. Maybe it was,

or maybe it was something different.

But Naruto didn't want to talk about it. It would nothing more but bring arguments and unwanted anger. "I am really sorry Gaara, please don't get mad at me," Naruto put on his best sad voice, blinking his blue eyes in a slight humorous and pitiful way.

sasunaru ≫ 13 days (BoyxBoy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ