|Chapter thirteen|

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SasuNaru - 13 Days

Chapter Thirteen|


•Day Thirteen•


Maybe it was a little late in the night but Naruto didn't know. All that he knew was he was nervous, shaking from the cold and maybe even crying a little bit, but he didn't know. The only thing that made Naruto think it was dark was the fact that everything was blue and black around him and his only source of light which was the Television in front of him. It was on mute, and a thriller movie was on but of course he wasn't watching it.

He was cold. Really cold. But he didn't want to get up and turn on the heating. He reached out his hand and grabbed his phone where it was laying on top of a pillow. He clicked the home button with a slight struggle and looked at the time.

02:25. It flashed back at him brightly.

He had just about 21 hours and 45 minutes to live.

Naruto wanted to scream and cry until he felt as if he actually did want to die. But he didn't. Naruto didn't want to die. He had met Sasuke, the love of his life and now he was going to die? The question played over and over in his head again, haunting him, sneering at him, standing ten feet taller than him.

He was going to die.

And he couldn't do anything about it.

Maybe it was always faith that he was going to die. It was written in the stars. The devil must have realized that he was just another small waste of air on this small planet and decided to get rid of him. But of course, the devil will always be the devil. He had to make him suffer before that. And he did. And he won. By giving him something Naruto's always wanted, and then taking it away from him just like that.

Naruto snickered to himself out loud in his apartment, almost like a mad man. Barely managing to get the sound out. He was hugging his thin legs, chin resting on his knees, blue eyes staring lifelessly into the Television. It was dark out and the street lamps were on. No one was outside of course and the only noises were cars far away in motorways and the sweet song of crickets that kept on going all night, gathering like a gang on the street lamps.

Life was so cruel to him.

But what if he deserved it? Maybe he did.

Grabbing his phone from beside him, Naruto unconsciously clicked on the messages that he and Sasuke texted each other not too long ago. They were mostly all just flirty, fun messages or invites to go out to each other. The last thing Sasuke texted him was a goodnight kiss a few hours ago, and Naruto had happily replied back. But Naruto stopped looking at that a while ago and his sapphire eyes were almost glossed and glass like diamonds as he stared at the call button beside Sasuke's username.

He wanted to call Sasuke right now, sob his heart out and tell him what was going to happen tomorrow. He really wanted to, badly to call him but he also respected Sasuke and wasn't going to call him in the middle of the night. Even if Sasuke told him once before it was alright to do it.

Unconsciously, Naruto began typing to Sasuke, something on the lines of, ''Hey, I was just thinking, do you want to call right now, I mea—"

As soon as he realized what he was doing, his eyes widened and he cursed at himself like he did almost every night and deleted everything until there was no trace of a text. He did want to talk but now wasn't the time. He felt incredibly stupid. Almost like a child that didn't get any lolly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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