|Chapter Four|

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SasuNaru - 13 Days

Chapter Four




Naruto's sapphire eyes fluttered open quickly, seeing nothing but darkness in front of him. His breathing was uneven and his heart was beating too quickly for his liking. He just had a nightmare. It's been a few days since he had one of those. Naruto blinked in the dark. Was he in bed? The uncomfortable position of his neck leaned sideways was enough to tell him the answer to his question that no, he was not.

Naruto eyes widened and he sighed as he started to remember what happened. He accidentally gave them both the Counting Sheep coffee that he used for himself when he couldn't sleep at night. Naruto cursed at himself in his head. How could he get normal coffee and his sleeping coffee mixed up?

He felt a shiver go down his spine when he felt the body that he was leaning on groan softly. Sasuke still seemed asleep. It was still dark and Naruto wondered what time it was.

Naruto quietly sat up to not disturb the sleeping man and hissed when he felt something cold on his lap. He spilled his coffee on his lap and it had gone cold along with Sasuke who dropped his on his lap, staining his jeans. "Damn it..." Naruto muttered. He quietly took the cup from his lap and Sasuke's lap and placed them on the coffee table in front of him.

He made his way to the kitchen in the dark, knowing his apartment of by heart and picked up his phone which he left on the kitchen counter. Naruto looked at the time.


Naruto's eyes widened. It was this dark!?

He stared at the time on his phone in disbelief until it locked by itself, leaving him to stare at himself in the reflection of his own face. He looked up, his eyes started getting used to the dark and judging by how the outside looked through the windows, it was going to get bright soon. He sighed and put his phone in his pocket.


Naruto's eyes widened and he quickly snapped his head up to the source of the voice only to look at Sasuke on the couch. Naruto could only see Sasuke's back head due to standing a few metres behind him. Naruto stood still for a moment, expecting Sasuke to get up as if he was awake, but he wasn't. Which left Naruto to guess that he only muttered his name in his sleep.

Naruto almost blushed as his mind repeated Sasuke saying his name, but he quickly caught himself.

He quietly walked over the couch, and quickly stared down at Sasuke seeing if he was still sleeping which he was. Naruto quietly sat on the couch to not disturb the man, bringing both his legs up with him to huddle up and he sighed loudly and rubbed his face on both of his hands. What was he going to do?

Naruto had sort of a sleeping problem. Once he went to sleep and was awake for longer then three minutes, it was extremely hard for him to go back to sleep at that moment. Naruto was fully awake now and his body had no intention of going back to sleep after that long sleep.

Naruto paused for a couple of seconds before reaching over to the TV remote and turning the TV on, on a very low volume. He quietly leaned down on the side of the couch, his feet inches away from touching Sasuke thighs, and he glassily stared at the TV, not paying attention to the boring program that was on.

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